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2019/09/30 01:16
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  • I went to Canada on the school study abroad program.

学校 the school 留学制度 study abroad program/study abroad system カナダに行きました I went to Canada 例文 Where would you like to go on the school study abroad program? 「学校の留学制度でどこに行きたいですか?」 参考になれば幸いです。
  • My school allows us to study abroad, so I chose Canada.

The fact that your school allows you to study abroad may be unusual for some so you may need to explain it in this way rather than saying, "My school's study abroad program." As most schools do not do this. You can say, "I was sent to Canada," if this was more your school's choice or, " hey generally send their pupils to Canada." Or that you chose Canada.
Beebe DMM英会話講師
  • I studied abroad in Canada as part of a school programme

  • My school arranged for me to go to Canada as part of their study abroad programme

  • I had the opportunity to study abroad in Canada thanks to my school

If you ever studied abroad and you want to explain that to someone, you can simply say, 'I studied abroad in Canada as part of a school programme.' You could also give more detail to how it came about by saying, 'my school arranged for me to go to Canda as part of their study abroad programme.' Another example could also be, 'I had the opportunity to study abroad in Canada thanks to my school and the programmes they offered us.'
Thalia T DMM英会話講師
  • I went on a study abroad program to Canada, through my school.

A study abroad program for schools is a program where generally you can spend 3-12 months at another school in a foreign country. It is an amazing way to learn a new culture, make new friends and experience life in a different part of the world.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • My school gave me a chance to study abroad in Canada.

  • I had an opportunity to study abroad in Canada ; it is part of my school's study abroad program.

Above gave you two examples of how to say the same thing, just in different terms. Both of them are correct. 1) My school gave me a chance to study abroad in Canada. This one is definitely a short-winded answer and it has a more casual feel to it. You can use it among friends/ acquaintances when you are just simply stating a fact. 2) I had an opportunity to study abroad in Canada; it is part of my school's study abroad program. I would use this answer when I am having a job interview or when I am having a conversation about the different countries I have been etc. This answer is more formal and less casual. This statement invites more questions about your experience being abroad.
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • I studied abroad in Canada

  • I went to Canada to study abroad for my school.

  • My school offered a programmed that let me study abroad in Canada.

Either way describes that you went to Canada to study abroad. The last answer describes it in a more detailed way. Saying that your school offers you to go to Canada to study abroad.
Melissa Jayne DMM英会話講師
  • I went to Canada through my school's study abroad program.

  • I studied abroad in Canada.

- I went to Canada through my school's study abroad program. You can use the word "through" in this sentence to describe that this program allowed you to study in Canada. - I studied abroad in Canada. To "study abroad" can also be used as a verb. You can use this in the past tense, adding where exactly you studied abroad.
Karly DMM英会話講師
  • I went to Canada with my school's study abroad program.

  • I was able to go to Canada with my school's study abroad program.

  • With my school's study abroad program I was able to go to Canada.

Well, firstly, I hope you had a wonderful whilst you were there, or if you are still there, I hope you are having a good time. But, if anyone asks why you are in Canada or how you got to Canada, then you can use one of these three sentences and everyone will know for sure. How come you are in Canada then? Well, my school's study abroad program brought me here. Try one out, see how it goes, and find the one that fits you. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • My school offers a 'study abroad' program and I was able to go to Canada to study English

  • I participated on an English study program in Canada that was provided by my school.

Many Schools offer an opportunity to 'study abroad' and have various names for the different programs depending on the country. It is possible to say that you 'took part' or 'participated' in a 'study abroad' program through the school and then go on to give details of the subject you studied and the place that you traveled to, for example: "I recently took part / participated in a 'study abroad' program where I went to Canada to learn/improve my English." or My school offers a 'study abroad' program and I was able to go to Canada to study English.
Gayle S DMM英会話講師
  • I went to Canada using my school's study abroad program.

  • I went to Canada with my school's study abroad program.

Notice that within these two sentences we can either use the gerund verb, "using," or the preposition, "with," in the exact same way regardless of their difference in part of speech.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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