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2018/06/24 22:21
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  • I found a job that pays better.

  • I found a job that pays more than this job.

❶ I found a job that pays better. または、 I found a job that pays me better, (もっと時給のいい仕事を見つけました)。 ❷ I found a job that pays more than this job. (この仕事よりもっと払ってくれる仕事を見つけました)。 例えば: I am quitting as of today because I found a job that pays me better. (本日付でやめます、なぜならもっと時給のいい仕事を見つけたから)。 〜と言えます。
  • I found a better-paying job

  • I got offered a new position that pay much better than my current position/job

  • I got a better-paying job. My old one paid (a bit) less

When you want to express that you found a new job that pays better than your current job; then you may express this in the following ways: -I found a better-paying job -I got offered a new position that pay much better than my current position/job -I got a better-paying job. My old one paid (a bit) less
「今している仕事よりも給料の良い仕事が見つかった」は次のように言えます。 -I found a better-paying job 「より給料の良い仕事が見つかりました」 -I got offered a new position that pay much better than my current position/job「より給料の良い新しい仕事をオファーされました」 -I got a better-paying job. My old one paid (a bit) less 「より給料の良い仕事が見つかりました。前の仕事よりも給料が(少し)良いです」
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I have found a higher paying job.

  • I have seen a job that pays more than my current job.

  • This new job pays more than my current one.

It is very simple to express you have found a job that would pay you more. You can use the adverbial phrase "higher paying" to describe the job, and the adjective "current" to describe the job you are in now. To avoid repeating the word "job", you can use the pronoun "one", which creates a more concise sentence.
「より給料の良い仕事を見つけた」と言うのは非常に簡単です。 「より給料の良い仕事」は副詞句の "higher paying" で、「今の仕事」は形容詞の "current" でそれぞれ表すことができます。 "job" の繰り返しを避けるため、代名詞の "one" を使うことができます。こうすると、より簡潔な文章になります。
Amelia May DMM英会話講師
  • I have found a better job than this one.

  • I have found a job that is better for me than my current one.

  • I found a job that pays more than the job I have now.

-"I have found a better job than this one." This shows that the new job is 'better' or is superior, of a higher quality or surpasses the old one. -"I have found a job that is better for me than my current one." If you don't want to say that you're getting another job because the pay is better you can simply say that it is 'better for me'. Meaning that for myself this job doesn't work well but for another person it is a good job. -"I found a job that pays more than the job I have now." This is how you can say that the payment you receive for you next job will be increased. Payment is shortened to 'pay' and is the more casual way to say this.
-"I have found a better job than this one."(これよりもいい仕事を見つけました) →これは新しい仕事が今の仕事よりも良いこと、それを上回っていることを表します。 -"I have found a job that is better for me than my current one."(これよりもいい仕事を見つけました) →「給料が良い」と言いたくないなら、シンプルに 'better for me' が使えます。これで「この仕事は自分には合わないけど他の人には良い」という意味になります。 -"I found a job that pays more than the job I have now."(今の仕事よりも給料が良い仕事を見つけました) →これは、次の仕事の方が給料が良いと伝えています。'payment' は 'pay' と短縮されます。よりカジュアルな言い方です。
Kayla K DMM英会話講師
  • I found a job that pays better than my current job

  • I found a better paying job

When talking about your job money or your wages are something you need to consider so you might take on a job with more money you can explain this by simply say 'I found a better paying job'
仕事を選ぶときには、賃金も重要ですね。より給料のいい仕事を選択するかもしれません。 これは次のように説明できます。 'I found a better paying job' (より給料のいい仕事を見つけた)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I found a job that pays better.

  • I found a new job with a higher salary.

If I was working at a job and found a new one that paid better, I would explain it by saying something like this: "I found a new job with a higher salary." A more casual way of saying this could be something like: "I found a job that pays better." Both ways explain your situation in a direct and straightforward way. I hope this helps! :)
どこかに勤めているときに、それよりも給料の良い仕事を見つけたら、私なら次のように説明します。 "I found a new job with a higher salary."(もっと給料の良い仕事を見つけた) よりカジュアルな言い方として、"I found a job that pays better."(もっと給料の良い仕事を見つけた)もあります。 どちらも直接的な言い方です。 参考になれば幸いです!
Rhi DMM英会話講師
  • "I found a job that pays better than my current job"

  • "I have now found a job that has a higher salary than my current job"

  • "My new job will be paying me more than my current job"

If you wanted to explain that you found a job that pays better than your current job, you could explain this by saying any of the following:: "I found a job that pays better than my current job", "I have now found a job that has a higher salary than my current job" or "My new job will be paying me more than my current job".
今の仕事よりも給料のいい仕事を見つけたことを伝えるフレーズです。 "I found a job that pays better than my current job" (今の仕事よりも給料のいい仕事を見つけた。) "I have now found a job that has a higher salary than my current job" (今の仕事よりも給料の高い仕事を見つけた。)  "My new job will be paying me more than my current job" (新しい仕事は、今の仕事よりも給料がいい。)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • "I found a higher paying job."

  • "The new job I found pays more than my current one."

  • "I found a new job that offers more money than I currently receive."

"I found a higher paying job" very clearly explains to the reader/listener that you are comparing 2 jobs, your current one and the new one you 'found'. You compare the salary or pay of the 2 jobs and state the new one will pay more than the existing one. This is the most clear and direct of the three examples listed. This example sentence is very commonly used and straight to the point. "The new job I found pays more than my current one" describes the same as the above however in a few more words which may ore may not be necessary. "I found a new job that offers more money than I currently receive" could be considered a more formal way to explain the above. You might use this type of sentence or sentence structure when explaining to your current employer why you are changing jobs, for example.
"I found a higher paying job" (もっと給料のいい仕事を見つけた。) これは、新しい仕事を今の仕事2つを比較しています。2つの仕事の給料を比較して、新しい仕事が今の仕事よりも給料がいいことを伝えています。3つの表現の中で最もクリアで直接的な言い方です。とてもよく使われ、ポイントをストレートに伝えます。   "The new job I found pays more than my current one" describes the same as the above however in a few more words which may ore may not be necessary. "I found a new job that offers more money than I currently receive" could be considered a more formal way to explain the above. You might use this type of sentence or sentence structure when explaining to your current employer why you are changing jobs, for example.
Rada DMM英会話講師
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