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「私も同じく」をalsoとme too 以外でって英語でなんて言うの?

私も同じく、と良くそう言いたいときがあるのですが、alsoを使うと固い文章になってしまい、me too ではなにか単純すぎて
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2015/11/04 18:45
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  • same here!

  • ditto!

Same here!(私も同じ! Ditto!(同じく!) いずれも少しカジュアルな印象がある英語表現です。 その他同意を示すフレーズ: I know what you mean. (言ってることわかるー) I feel you. ([わかる!]( Totally! ([だよね!]( Tell me about it. (わかる/だよね) ※それぞれ「直訳」では考えないように!
  • Likewise.

  • Ditto.

Likewise and ditto are both accurate ways to express you have the same thoughts or feelings regarding to what someone says.
Likewise やdittoは、どちらも自分が[同じ](考えを持つ、同じ[感情](を持っていると、言いたいときに使う言い方ですね。
Jeffrey L DMM英会話講師
  • Me as well/ So am I/ so do I

  • Likewise

  • I second that

Me too/ me also/ so am I/ I second that these phrases express when something you say to mean that you are also in the same situation. "I like listening to rock music." "Me as well'/I second that/ Likewise/So am I/ me too/me also' "I've finished work now, I am going home." "Me as well/I second that/ Likewise/So am I/me too/me also"
Me too/ me also/ so am I/ I second that 自分も同じです、と言いたいときに使える表現です。 例 "I like listening to rock music." "Me as well'/I second that/ Likewise/So am I/ me too/me also' "I've finished work now, I am going home." "Me as well/I second that/ Likewise/So am I/me too/me also"
Sharon R DMM英会話講師
  • right?!

最近の若者やネット上での言い方です。 A: I love the new Star Wars movie! B: Right?! I've seen it 3 times!
  • I second that.

  • I concur

I second that means that you agree with what the other person is saying. I concur means to agree or have the same opinion with the other person..
I secondは、相手が言っていることに同意することを意味します。 I concurは、または他の人と同じ意見を持つことに同意することを意味します..
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like that

  • Count me in

  • I'll go along with that

Here are some imaginary scenarios: A: Who's going to the cinema tonight? James - you're going; Henry, you're going; Arthur - you're going. What about you, Dave?" B: "Yes, count me in too." In another situation: A: I'm taking names of people who want to go to the football game. How about you?" B: "Yes, I'd like that." And finally: A: "We plan on taking the plane to Paris and then go by train to Antwerp. Do you all agree? C; "Yes." D: "I do." B: "Yes, I'll go along with that
想定シーン:  A;Who's going to the cinema tonight? James - you're going; Henry, you're going; Arthur - you're going. What about you, Dave?" 今晩誰が映画にいくの?ジェームス、あなたいくわよね。ヘンリーいくでしょ?アーサーもいくよね。デーブ、あなたは?  B;"Yes, count me in too." うん メンバーに入れといて。 または別のシーン  A; I'm taking names of people who want to go to the football game. How about you?" フットボール観にいく人の名前書いてるんだけれど、あなたは? B’Yes うん。いくよ  または別のシーン  A: "We plan on taking the plane to Paris and then go by train to Antwerp. Do you all agree? パリまで飛行機に乗って、それからアントワープまで電車に乗る予定なんです。みんな賛成してくれる? C;"Yes." はい! D;"I do." そうね! B:"Yes, I'll go along with that" うん。賛成よ
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Likewise

  • Same here

  • I second that.

Instead of saying 'me too' or 'me also', there are other phrases that you can use which will convey the same message. Someone might say: I prefer coffee to tea and you might reply, 'likewise'. Someone might say: I am feeling so hot that I would welcome a very cold shower, and you might reply, "same here". This means that you would also do the same. In a meeting you might have been attending, someone might have put forward a proposal to be discussed at the next meeting. Your immediate response would have been: "I second that". This means that you supported the proposal that he/she made.
"me too"、"me also" 以外にも「私も」という意味合いの言葉はあります。 例えば「I prefer coffee to tea(紅茶よりもコーヒーが好き)」に対して「Likewise(私も)」。 「I am feeling so hot that I would welcome a very cold shower(暑いな、冷水シャワー浴びたいくらい)」に対して「Same here(私も)」。これは「私も同じこと(the same)をしたい」という意味になります。 会議中に誰かがあることについて、次の会議で話し合うことを提案したら、あなたは即座に "I second that" と返します。これは「私もその提案に賛成です」という意味になります。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • A) Ditto

  • B) I second that

A) Ditto -the same thing again (used in lists and accounts and often indicated by a ditto mark under the word or figure to be repeated). B) I second that -The slang meaning is "I agree" or "I support that" I hope this helps :-)
A) Ditto -同様の事 (リストや明細などに同様と言う意味で"a ditto mark"が言葉や数字などの下に記載されます) B) I second that -これはスラングで"I agree"(賛成)又は "I support that"(支援します)と言う意味です。 お役に立てれば幸いです :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Agreed...100%!

  • I was in total agreement with all he said... agreed 100%

When we are in agreement we feel the same...we are in empathy;-D In conversation we can use lots of phrases like : "Same here" "like-minded" "I concur" or the very succinct exclamation...Agreed... 100%
意見が同じ、同じ様に感じている、共感している時には、以下のような多くの表現を使うことが出来ます。 例 "Same here" "like-minded" "I concur" 最も簡潔な表現はAgreed... 100%です。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Same here!

  • Likewise!

"Same here" ex. "I turn 21 in march!, Same here!" "Likewise!" ex. "I'm so tired today!, Likewise"
"Same here" 例: "I turn 21 in march!" "Same here!" 「3月で21歳になります」「私も」 "Likewise!" 例: "I'm so tired today!" "Likewise" 「今日はすごく疲れた」「私も」
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Same here.

  • Likewise.

"Same here" and "Likewise" are different ways of saying "me too" .
"Same here" と "Likewise" は "Me too"(私もです)の別の言い方です。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
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