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できればカジュアルな表現とCould you tell me if I の二パターンでお願いします。
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2018/04/12 09:23
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  • Could you tell me if I need to correct my grammar

  • Could you tell me if I make a mistake

  • Can you point out any errors as we go please

Verb phrase could tell asking person to perform that action. Similar in third example can point out again asking for an action to be done
Could you tell me~?で、私に~を言ってくれませんかという意味になります。3つ目のpoint outもよく似ていて、指摘してくださいと相手に頼む表現です。
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • Please let me know if I make any mistakes.

  • Feel free to interrupt me at any time, I would like you to correct my mistakes

Either one of these phrases is appropriate to say and is a polite way of telling a teacher/listener to correct your mistakes. By using the word "interrupt" in the second example you are giving the person permission to stop you abruptly and correct a mistake that you have just made.
どちらの表現もふさわしく、先生に自分のミスを正してほしいことを丁寧にお願いする表現です。  "interrupt"(中断する)という単語を使うことで、相手に途中で止めて、ミスを訂正してもらってかまわないということを伝えることができます。
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • Could you let me know if I slip up in any way?

  • Could you please alert me to any errors I make?

To slip up = to make a mistake or error when doing something. To alert someone = to warn/nform someone about something they are not aware. "I'd like to alert you to the fact that my son is only 15 years old."
To slip up = 間違う、ミスをするという意味です。 To alert someone =その人が気づいていないことを、警告する、伝えるという意味です。 "I'd like to alert you to the fact that my son is only 15 years old." 私の息子が、まだ15歳だということを言っておきたいです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please let me know if I make any mistakes.

  • Could you tell me if I make any mistakes

  • If I make a mistake, let me know.

"Please let me know if I make any mistakes." is both a polite and casual way to ask your teacher to tell you when you have made a mistake.
"Please let me know if I make any mistakes."(間違えたときは指摘してください) これは、先生に、間違えたときには指摘して欲しいとお願いするときに使える丁寧でカジュアルな言い方です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please tell me if I make a mistake

  • Please let me know if I make a mistake

  • Don't hesitate to tell me/let me know if I make a mistake

If you want to let the person know you really want to know something and wouldn't be offended you could say 'don't hesitate' this means you are happy to be corrected 'Could you please tell me' or 'Please let me know' these are both polite ways of asking them to do something for you
気を害したりしないので知らせてほしいと伝えたいときには、'don't hesitate'という表現が使えます。これは、訂正してくれたらうれしいという意味になります。 'Could you please tell me'または'Please let me know'は、何かを知らせてほしいとお願いする丁寧な言い方です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Please, don't hesitate to correct me.

Native speakers will say like this: “Please, don't hesitate to correct me”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: Teacher, please, don't hesitate to correct me if I make mistakes. B: Alright. So far there have been no mistakes!
ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言います。 “Please, don't hesitate to correct me” (遠慮しないで間違いを指摘してください) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 会話では以下のように使えます。 A: Teacher, please, don't hesitate to correct me if I make mistakes.(先生、もし私が間違えたら遠慮なく指摘してください) B: Alright. So far there have been no mistakes!(わかりました。今のところ間違いはないですよ)
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • I am still learning English. Please correct me if you notice I say something wrong.

  • Could you tell me if I say something that doesn't sound right when I am trying to speak English?

  • I would really like to know if I make any mistakes when I am speaking English. Could you help me out please?

If you are still unsure about your English speaking, it is okay to ask someone to point out any mistakes to you. If you let them know you are still learning and want to be corrected, then it will put the person at ease and make them feel comfortable correcting any mistakes you might make. Let them know that you appreciate them helping you learn and that you want to learn the correct way to speak English. You might even ask them if you are unsure, "Did I say that right?"
まだ英語を話すことに自信がないのなら、間違いを指摘して欲しいとお願いして全く問題ありません。 英語をまだ勉強中で間違えたら教えて欲しいと伝えると、相手は間違いを指摘しやすくなります。勉強を手伝ってくれてありがたいということと、正しい英語を学びたいということを伝えましょう。 自信がないときには、"Did I say that right?"(正しく言えてましたか)と尋ねることもできます。
Rhonda DMM英会話講師
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