I went to hang out with a friend who's in the same afternoon class.
「同じクラスの友だち」は a friend from the same class で言えます。
「午後の授業が一緒の友だちと遊びに行ったの」というのは、I went to hang out with a friend who's in the same afternoon class で表現できます。
hang out は「遊びに行く」という砕けた言い方で、よく友達の間に使われている表現になります。
I went to spend time with my friend who is in the same afternoon class.
「同じクラスの友だち」は英語では a friend in my class や a friend in the same class になります。
I have a friend in my English class. Sometimes we have dinner after class.
I went to spend time with my friend who is in the same afternoon class.
I went to hang out with my friend who takes the same class in the afternoon as me.
「友達と遊びに行った。」は英語では I went to hang out with my friend. か I went to spend time with my friend になります。Hang out が結構キャジュアルな言い方です。
「その子は午後のクラスが授業が同じです。」は英語では He/she is in the same class as me in the afternoon. か He/she takes the same class that I have in the afternoon. になります。