世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2018/04/17 12:44
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  • Please indicate you attendance by clicking 'Going'.

  • Please register for the event by clicking 'Going'.

  • You must click 'Going' if you are coming as places are limited!

The first example is a soft request. The second example uses the word 'registration' which some may believe means that it is necessary to register for the event before attending. The third example is far more prescriptive, and you would worry you may not be admitted if you did not click the icon!
はじめの例は、やさしいお願いです。二つ目は、登録する、申し込むという意味の 'registration'を使っています。三つ目は、少し命令的な言い方で、ク参加するをクリックしないと認められないという意味です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please click the 'going' button if you plan to attend!

  • If you'd like to come please click the 'going' button

Both of these sentences are more casual ways of asking people to click the going button instead of just clicking the 'interested' button. There are more formal ways to ask, but if it is a Facebook event I'm sure you'd like to keep it loose and casual.
両方の表現はよりカジュアルな表現で人々にただ'interested'のボタンをクリックする代わりに"going"のボタンをクリックするだけでlすよと言う事を言い表しています。 他にももっとフォーマルな表現はありますが、ファイスブックのイベントなのでゆるいカジュアルな表現にしておく方がいいでしょう。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • Please click the attendance button if you are interested in attending this event.

  • Please press the attendance button to show your interest in attending this event.

There are various ways of asking one to attend an event Above I have provided two good examples to convey that one is interested in attending an event. Click and press are synonyms and suggests an act of selecting an option on an electronic device.
イベントに参加するように頼む方法は様々なです。上でイベントに参加することに興味があるということを伝える2つの良い例を挙げました。 Clickとpressは同義語で、電子機器でオプションを選択することを示しています。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • Click on "going" to RSVP/if interested in going to the event

  • Please click on "going" if you'd like to attend

The above sentences are the number of ways you can tell someone to click "going" on Facebook to confirm that they will be attending the event. You can also say something like: -Please click "going" if you would like to attend our event. -Click "going" to confirm that you will be attending the event.
上記の文は、イベントに参加することを確認するためにフェイスブックのgoingをクリックするように人に言うことが出来る様々な言い方です。このように言うことも出来ます。 例文 -Please click "going" if you would like to attend our event. 私達のイベントに参加したいのであれば、goingをクリックして下さい -Click "going" to confirm that you will be attending the event. イベントに参加することを確認するためにgoingをクリックして下さい
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • We would like to invite you to this event. Please click "Going" so we will know you want to come.

  • If anyone would like to attend this event, please click the "Going" button.

  • You are invited to attend this event. Please click the "Going" button.

We would like to invite you to this event. Please click "Going" so we will know you want to come. If anyone would like to attend this event, please click the "Going" button. You are invited to attend this event. Please click the "Going" button. We want to see you at our next event. Click the "Going" button now. Don't forget to click the "Going" button is you want to attend this event. Click the "Going" button to attend this event. Thank you for your interest in our event. We need everyone to click the "Going" button please.
We would like to invite you to this event. Please click "Going" so we will know you want to come.(このイベントにあなたを招待したいです。参加を希望される場合は "Going" をクリックしてください) If anyone would like to attend this event, please click the "Going" button.(イベントへの参加を希望される場合は、"Going" ボタンをクリックしてください) You are invited to attend this event. Please click the "Going" button.(あなたをこのイベントに招待します。"Going" ボタンをクリックしてください) We want to see you at our next event. Click the "Going" button now.(私たちの次のイベントにぜひ参加していただきたいです。今すぐ "Going" ボタンをクリックしてください) Don't forget to click the "Going" button if you want to attend this event.(イベントへの参加を希望される場合は、"Going" ボタンをクリックするのをお忘れなく) Click the "Going" button to attend this event.(イベントへの参加を希望される場合は、"Going" ボタンをクリックしてください) Thank you for your interest in our event. We need everyone to click the "Going" button please.(私たちのイベントに興味を持っていただきありがとうございます。ぜひ "Going" ボタンをクリックしてください)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • If you are coming please certify so by clicking "going"

  • If you would like to attend the event please click "going"

"If you are coming please certify so by clicking "going"" To certify something is a formal was of describing that you will confirm you are doing something ex. going to an event. "If you would like to attend the event please click "going"" To 'Attend' something is a formal statement regarding that you are going to be present at a certain event/place.
"If you are coming please certify so by clicking "going""(参加する場合は、"going" をクリックして確定してください) = 'Certify' は「(イベントに参加することなど)を確認する」の意味です。 "If you would like to attend the event please click "going""(参加を希望される場合は、をクリックしてください) = 'Attend' は「(イベントなどに)出席する」という意味のフォーマルな言葉です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Please click "going" if you are planning on attending.

  • If you are attending, make sure to click "going".

Both sentences are friendly reminders/requests which tell your guests to click the "going" button on the event page. Using a reminder such as these will ensure that more people make use of the button.
どちらの文もフレンドリーな言い方です。イベントページで "going" ボタンをクリックするようお願いしています。 このようなお知らせをすることでより多くの人がボタンを利用してくれますね。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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