世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/04/18 06:11
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  • I used to work with him.

  • He used to be my co-worker.

I used to work with him. 彼と以前一緒に働いていた 「(今は違うけど、)以前~していた」と 言う時はused to~という助動詞を使います。 He used to be my coworker. 彼は以前私の同僚だった 意味は上の文とほとんど同じです。 「同僚」は色々な言い方があり、 co-worker以外では、colleague、 associateも良く使われます。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • We used to work for the same company.

  • We used to be employees at the same company.

  • We used to work together at the same company.

The phrase “we used to” explains that it was something done in the past. Secondly using the word “same” will help you to understand that they worked together.
“we used to” は、それが過去の出来事であることを表します。 次に、“same”は同じ職場で働いていたことを伝えます。
Catrice DMM英会話講師
  • I used to work with him

  • We used to work together

  • We used to be coworkers

The term used for someone you used to work with is 'coworker' so you would say 'we used to be coworkers' although you could also say 'I used to work with him' or 'we used to work together'
以前一緒に働いていた人を表すときには 'coworker'(同僚)が使われます。ですから、次のように言うことができます。 'we used to be coworkers'(私たちは昔一緒に働いていました) 次のように言うこともできます。 'I used to work with him'(昔彼と一緒に働いていました) 'we used to work together'(私たちは昔一緒に働いていました)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • He used to be my workmate at my previous company.

  • He was my co-worker at my previous workplace.

A 'workmate' is someone with whom you work at the same company. It can be used in place of 'co-worker'. However, a 'co-worker is' normally someone in a similar role or similar level at the same company, whereas, a 'workmate' is someone who works at the same organization as you but may not necessarily be at the same level as you. So, when referring to someone you previously worked with, you may say: He used to be my workmate at my previous company. or He was my co-worker at my previous workplace.
workmate' は同じ会社で一緒に働いている人をいいます。これは 'co-worker'(同僚)の代わりに使うことができます。 ただし、'co-worker' は普通同じ会社の地位や役目が似た人をいいますが、'workmate' は、同じ組織で働いている人ですが、必ずしも同じ地位であるとは限りません。 以前一緒に働いていた人について、次のように言えます。 He used to be my workmate at my previous company. He was my co-worker at my previous workplace. (彼は前の会社で同僚でした)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • We used to be colleagues!

  • I used to work with him!

  • He was my co-worker!

People that we work with are called coworkers, colleagues, associates, or fellow workers. When you left a company then you can use the following sentences to express yourself. "We used to be colleagues!" "I used to work with him!" "used to" refers to somebody that you have worked with, in the past "He was my coworker!" "was" is used as a verb in this sentence and is the past tense of "be"
一緒に仕事をしている人のことは "coworkers" や "colleagues" "associates" "fellow workers" と呼ばれます。会社を辞めたときには、次のように言うことができます。 "We used to be colleagues!"(私たちは昔仕事の同僚でした) "I used to work with him!"(昔彼と一緒に働いていました) "used to" は昔一緒に働いていた人を指します。 "He was my coworker!"(昔彼と一緒に働いていました) この文の動詞は "was" です。これは "be" の過去形です。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • They were my work colleague

  • I used to be co workers with them

  • At my old job I used to work with them

Work colleague or colleagues describes someone you used to work with often on the same level i.e not your boss. co workers is also used to describe work colleagues.
Work colleague' あるいは 'Work colleagues' は、昔一緒に働いていた、しばしば同じレベルの人(つまり、上司ではない)をいいます。 'Co worker' も 'Work colleague'(同僚)を表します。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • We used to be colleagues.

  • He is my former colleague.

  • We used to work at the same company.

Colleague' is a word used to describe someone that you work with or a co-worker. Colleagues or co-workers work together at the same company. The word 'former' should be used to communicate that you used to be colleagues before, and you no longer work together.
colleague'(同僚)は、一緒に働いている人をいいます。これは 'co-worker' ともいいます。 'colleagues' あるいは 'co-workers' は同じ会社で働いています。 かつて 'colleague' であったけど今は違うことは 'former'(かつての)で表します。
Onica DMM英会話講師
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