① Dad, you should take the medical treatment, then you'll know how painful it is.
② Dad, if you tried it, you would know how painful it is.
① Dad, you should take the medical treatment, then you'll know how painful it is.
※medical treatment 治療
※how ~ it is どれぐらい~か
②Dad, if you tried it, you would know how painful it is.
※if you tried it, you would ~ もしあなたがやってみたら、~だろう(仮定法)
You should try it yourself, Dad, then you’ll understand how painful it is.
「お父さんも自分で受けてみて、どんなに痛いかわかるから」という表現は英語で "You should try it yourself, Dad, then you’ll understand how painful it is." と言えます。「try it yourself」は「自分で試してみる」、「understand」は「理解する」、「how painful it is」は「どんなに痛いか」を意味します。
例えば、文脈に応じたフレーズは以下の通りです: “If you go through it yourself, Dad, you'll see how much it hurts.” 「お父さんも自分でそれを経験してみれば、どれだけ痛いか分かるよ。」