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2018/04/18 23:19
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  • I'm worried if I'll get along with my new colleagues

  • I'm not confident that I'll become close to my new colleagues

(1) I'm worried if I'll get along with my new colleagues 'worried' =「心配」「不安」 'get along' =「仲良くする」 'new colleagues' = 「新しい職場の人たち」 「新しい職場の人たちと仲良くできるか不安だ」というニュアンスの訳出です。 (2) I'm not confident that I'll become close to my new colleagues 'not confident' = 「自信がない」 'become close' = 「仲良くなる」 「新しい職場の人たちと仲良くなれる自信がない」という意味合いの訳例です。
  • I'm anxious about fitting in...

  • I'm anxious about fitting in... to my new work environment.

Whenever we start working in a new job, it's quite natural to want fit in and make new friendships with your new colleagues. And we all get nervous when face with the unknown. Just relax and take your time setting in, all will be well in due course.
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I hope I will like my new co-workers and it worries me.

  • I hope my new co-workers will like me and I like them.

  • It's nerve racking meeting new people at a new job.

I hope I will like my new co-workers and it worries me. I hope my new co-workers will like me and I like them. It's nerve racking meeting new people at a new job. I am always nervous when I start a new job because I worry if I will get along with the new co-workers. It makes me nervous to meet new co-workers because I worry they won't like me.
I hope I will like my new co-workers and it worries me. (新しい同僚と仲良くできるが心配です。) I hope my new co-workers will like me and I like them. (新しい同僚と仲良くできるといいな。) It's nerve racking meeting new people at a new job. (新しい仕事で新しい人たちに会うのが緊張する。) I am always nervous when I start a new job because I worry if I will get along with the new co-workers. (新しい同僚と仲良くできるか心配で、新しい仕事を始めるときはいつも緊張する。) It makes me nervous to meet new co-workers because I worry they won't like me (新しい同僚が私のことを気に入ってくれないかもしれないことが心配で、会うのに緊張する。).
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I am worried I might not fit in

  • I am worried I won't get on with my co-workers

"I am worried I might not fit in" To 'fit in' is an expression used when talking about social situation, when it is hard to make friends and find yourself on your own. "I am worried I won't get on with my co-workers" 'Worried' is used when you are scared about something, in this context it is not being able to be friends/get along with there 'co-workers' (people you work with).
"I am worried I might not fit in"(新しい職場に溶け込めるか心配です) 'fit in' は、仲間を作るのが難しい状況について使われます。 "I am worried I won't get on with my co-workers"(新しい職場の人と仲良くできるか心配です) 'worried' は、何かに不安を感じているときに使われます。ここでは、職場の人と仲良くなれるかどうかについて不安に感じています。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I hope I get a long with my new co-workers.

  • I'm worried about getting along with my new colleagues.

To describe the people you work with at your job, you can say "colleagues" or "co-workers". Both words are commonly used in the workplace setting and are interchangeable. A way to describe your feelings about adapting to your new job is by using the phrase "I hope". "I hope" is a great way to describe your optimism and doubts about your new environment. "I hope" can also mean you really want something to happen, or you wish it would happen. To describe that you have some anxiety about your new job, you can use the phrase "I'm worried." This phrase denotes the fear or apprehension you have about the situation. This phrase can be used in a variety of situations whenever you feel unsure or worried about something.
同僚のことを"colleagues" や "co-workers"と言います。どちらも職場で使う同じ意味の言葉です。 新しい職場になじめるか心配していることを、"I hope"(~だといいな)という言葉を使って表すことができます。 "I hope" は、楽観的に新しい職場のことを考えていることを表すのにぴったりのフレーズです。また、"I hope" はそうなってほしいと思うことを意味します。 新しい職場のことを心配していることを "I'm worried."と言います。これは、その状況に対して不安に思っていることを表します。これは、不確かなこと、何かに対して心配しているような状況で使うことができます。
Thia H DMM英会話講師
  • It worries me a lot to think that I may not get along with my work colleagues at my new company.

  • I worry a lot when I think of how well I will get along with my co-workers at my new company.

Most people get very worried when they think of acclimatizing themselves to the new environment they will find themselves in when they change jobs. However, having found a new job, a person just has to anticipate a new work environment which will comprise new management and new work colleagues. The troubling factor is how well one will fit in, how well one will communicate with both one's manager and work colleagues. The best phrase to use in this case is 'let's cross the bridge when we get there'. This phrase means 'we will deal with this situation when it arises'. In this case, one will see just how well he/she will get along with his/her work colleagues after having started his /her new job at the new company. Before then, curiosity reigns. So, you may say: It worries me a lot to think that I may not get along with my work colleagues at my new company. or I worry a lot when I think of how well I will get along with my co-workers at my new company.
ほとんどの人は転職をしたときなど、新しい環境になじめるか心配するものです。しかし、新しい仕事を見つけ、その人が新しいマネジメントや同僚を含む新しい環境に備えなければなりません。 トラブルの要因となるのが、その人がどれほどうまくなじめるか、どれほどうまくマネージャーや同僚とコミュニケーションをとることができるかです。この場合 'let's cross the bridge when we get there'というフレーズがぴったりです。これは、問題が起こったら対処するという意味です。新しい職場で、新しい仕事を始めたら同僚とどれほどうまくやっているかわかることでしょう。 It worries me a lot to think that I may not get along with my work colleagues at my new company. (新しい会社で同僚とうまくやっていけないかも知れないと思うととても心配だ。) I worry a lot when I think of how well I will get along with my co-workers at my new company. (新しい会社で同僚とうまくやっていけるか考えるととても心配だ。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I'm nervous about getting along with my new coworkers.

  • I'm edgy about getting along with my new colleagues.

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that you are worried about getting along with your new coworkers. In the second sentence you will see the word edgy. This means nervous or worried. This is a word that is commonly used in our everyday conversation. It would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
これら2つの文は、新しい同僚と仲良くやれるか心配していることを伝えるのにぴったりのフレーズです。 2つ目の文には、edgyという言葉があります。これは、緊張している、心配しているという意味です。日常会話でよく使う言葉なので覚えておくといいでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not sure I'll be able to get along with my workmates

  • It may be a challenge for me to integrate with the other staff

You changed jobs, and you are worried whether you will be able to get along with the people at your new workplace.You would like to explain this. In that case, you can use any of the abovementioned examples which may be appropriate for your situation.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I hope that I’ll be a good fit for the department that I’m joining.

  • I hope that I’ll fit in with my new colleagues.

To be a good fit means to match the temperament and work ethic of your new colleagues. Starting a new job is a nerve-wracking experience so if you are a good fit then it means that you have a personality which is similar to the rest of the team. Fitting in gives one confidence and makes the workplace a pleasant place to be from the start.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I hope I am liked by my new work colleagues.

  • I am really nervous about starting my new job, I hope I make some new friends.

  • I hope I get along with my new co workers.

Co workers and work colleagues are people that you will work with. Using 'i hope' is a positive way of saying your nervous as it will make people think your hopeful about getting along with people and that you want to have some friends. Being nervous before starting a new job is completely normal so dont worry, be yourself and you will be fine.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • I am worried about how I will adapt to my new job and collegues.

  • I am really concerned about how I will fit in with my new co-workers.

  • I am really worried about how my new collegues will accept me.

I am worried about how I will adjust to the new workplace. I am worried about being socially compatible with new members of a group. I am worried about being accepted in a new group of people.
Radda DMM英会話講師
  • I'm worried I won't get along with my new colleagues.

  • I'm worried that I won't fit in with my new colleagues.

  • I'm worried I won't become friends with my new colleagues.

All three of these sentences have a very similar structure and can be used interchangeably when expressing this fear/worry that you wont get along with your colleagues at a new job. The main difference is which phrasal verb you are using to express this. We can say that you, "won't get along," "won't fit in," or, "won't become friends," to equally express that you may not be able to connect with people at a new job.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I am not sure if I will get on with anyone at my new place.

  • At my new work I am not sure if I will get along with anyone.

  • I am worried about my new job because I am not sure if I will get on with my new colleagues.

I am not sure if I will get on with anyone at my new place. At my new work I am not sure if I will get along with anyone. I am worried about my new job because I am not sure if I will get on with my new colleagues. Here are three sentences for when you start a new job but are unsure whether or not you will get on with the people you will be working with. Personally, I would use the first one if I was to speak about this concern. Good luck with them, and don't worry, I am sure all the people will be nice and friendly. I hope it helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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