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2016/02/14 00:23
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  • Please put your baggage under the seat in front of you.

「前の座席の下に手荷物を入れてください。」です。 「座席の上の棚に入れてください。」は、 Please put your baggage in the compartments above each seat. となります。
Akiko Shibahara フリーランス通訳翻訳
  • Please stow the baggage you bring with you under the seat in front of you.

stow=きっちり詰める、しまい込む を使った表現、飛行機で耳にしたり注意書きで読んだりします。 飛行機などの英語のアナウンスにもしっかり耳を傾けてるなんて、素敵です!
  • Please put your bags under the seat in front of you.

1. Please put your bags under the seat in front of you. あなたのバッグをあなたの前に置いてください。 So in a case where you want to ask someone to remove their bags, you can ask:- A. Please put your bags under the seat in front of you. B. Please place your bags in the compartment above your head.
1. Please put your bags under the seat in front of you. (バッグを前の椅子の下に置いてください) バッグを動かしてほしいことをお願いしたい場合は、次のように聞くことができます。 A. Please put your bags under the seat in front of you.(前の椅子の下にバッグを置いてください) B. Please place your bags in the compartment above your head.(頭上のコンパートメントにバッグを入れてください)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Please place your bags under the seat in front of you

Begin with please as this is the most polite form and you are in your professional environment. Then simply ask them to the put the bag under the seat in front of them.
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Please put your bag under the seat in front of you.

  • Please put your luggage under the seat in front of you.

the seat in front of you - this is the seat directly in the row in front of you in an airplane A. Excuse me, I think you're in my seat. B. Oh sorry, I mistook the aisle. I'm actually seated in the seat in front of this one.
the seat in front of you - 飛行機のあなたのすぐ前列の座席のことです。 【例文】 A. Excuse me, I think you're in my seat.(すみません、それは私の席だと思うのですが) B. Oh sorry, I mistook the aisle. I'm actually seated in the seat in front of this one.(あら、ごめんなさい。通路を間違えていました。これの前の席が私の席でした)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Please place your bag under the seat in front.

During take off and landing, luggage must be stowed away safely in either the overhead locker, or under the seat in front of each passenger.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please, place your bags underneath the seat in front of you.

  • Make sure you bags are put under the seat in front of you, please.

"Please, place your bags underneath the seat in front of you." is a polite and formal way to ask a passenger to put their carry on bag in a proper place.
"Please, place your bags underneath the seat in front of you." (バッグを前の席の下に入れてください) この文章は乗客に「バックを椅子の下に置くように」ということを丁寧に伝えることができます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Ladies and gentleman, please store your baggage beneath your seats during the flight.

  • Ladies and gentleman, please deposit your baggage beneath your seats while we fly.

  • Ladies and gentleman, please set your baggage down beneath your seats while we fly.

There are many ways to ask someone to put their baggage under his/her seat while flying. First and foremost we must always remember out language etiquette and refer to the passengers as ladies and gentleman. You may ask in the following ways; ''Ladies and gentleman, please(store, deposit, set, place, stow, lay) your baggage beneath your seats during the flight.''These verbs all mean to put.
飛行中、彼/彼女の座席の下に荷物を置くように頼む多くの言い方があります。まず最初に、礼儀として乗客をladies and gentlemanと呼びかけることを心がけなければいけません。以下のように言えるでしょう; Ladies and gentleman, please(store, deposit, set, place, stow, lay) your baggage beneath your seats during the flight. (乗客の皆様、飛行中はかばんを座席の下に置いてください。) 動詞は全て「put」と同じ意味です。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
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