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2018/05/02 08:26
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  • I'm sorry, we are fully booked on Saturday.

  • I'm sorry, there are no tables available on Saturday.

「[ごめんなさい](」は英語で"I'm sorry"と言います。 1. "Booked"は予約されたという意味です。"Fully booked"は予約でいっぱいということです。 したがって"I'm sorry, we are fully booked on Saturday."は「[申し訳ございませんが](土曜日は予約でいっぱいです。」という意味です。 2. "Available"は利用可能なという意味です。 したがって"I'm sorry, there are no tables available on Saturday."は「申し訳ございませんが土曜日は満席です」という意味です。 <ボキャブラリー> fully booked = 予約でいっぱい on Saturday = 土曜日は no tables available = 満席 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
Karen I English teacher
  • I'm afraid there are no tables/places left on Saturday.

  • I'm afraid we're all booked up on Saturday.

  • I'm sorry, the schedule is already full for Saturday.

When we say, "I'm afraid that," we mean it in an apologetic way, because we are "afraid" that the person will be disappointed by what we are about to say. It's a polite way to tell the customer or the client that we cannot accommodate their wishes. Furthermore, when we use the phrase, "booked up," we mean that there are no reservations left for that time period.
「I'm afraid that」は、これから相手をガッカリさせるようなことを言わなくてはならず[申し訳ない](という意味合いです。 客やクライアントに対して[希望](に応えられないと伝える丁寧な言い方です。 また、「booked up」は予約に空きがなことを表します。
Amy H English teacher
  • Sorry, Saturday is fully booked

Keeping your response polite and short is the key to managing a busy workload. You could of course also suggest that the customer come another day when you are less busy.
丁寧かつ簡潔に回答することは、忙しい仕事をやりくりするための鍵となります。 もちろん、予約の空いた別の日を提案することもできます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm afraid we don't have anything left for Saturday.

  • Unfortunately, we’re fully booked this Saturday.

  • I’m sorry, we don’t have any tables for Saturday.

言い方は色々ありますが、以下の文章はよく使われています。 I'm afraid we don't have anything left for Saturday. 恐れ入りますが、土曜日は予約いっぱいで何も残っていないです。 Unfortunately, we’re fully booked this Saturday. 残念ながら申し訳ないのですが、今度の土曜日は予約いっぱいです。 I’m sorry, we don’t have any tables for Saturday. 申し訳ありませんが、土曜日は満席です。 Unfortunatelyとはよく使う単語で、「残念です」の意味です。 I'm afraidとはI'm sorryの意味ですが、丁寧な言い方です。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • We are all booked on Saturday.

  • We have no available reservations on Saturday.

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to someone calling your restraint that Saturday is all full of reservations. In the first sentence you will notice the word book. Although this word has different meanings in this sentence it means to make a reservation. This is a word that is common, especially if we work at a restaurant or a hotel. This word would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記二つの例文は、土曜日は予約でいっぱいだとレストランに電話をしてきた人に伝える言い方です。 一つ目の例文では"book"という言葉が使われていのに気が付いたと思います。"book"にはいろいろな意味がありますが、例文では「予約する」という意味になります。これは、特にレストランやホテルでよく使われる言葉です。ぜひ語彙に加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Apologies, we are completely booked that Saturday.

Apologies, we are completely booked that Saturday. A good way to begin delivering unfortunate news to someone, is by saying sorry. This lets them know that although all the bookings have been taken, you are still sorry for inconveniencing them. They are likely to view you as polite and consider coming back another time.
Apologies, we are completely booked that Saturday. (ごめんなさい、土曜日は既に予約でいっぱいです。) 残念な知らせを伝えるときは、最初に謝るといいです。これで、不便を掛けて申し訳なく思っていることが伝わります。相手は丁寧な対応だと受け止め、また来ようと考えてくれるのではないかと思います。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • Many apologies madam, but we are fully booked on Saturday.

  • Unfortunately we are completely booked on that day.

  • Sadly this Saturday is full, but I can make a booking for you for the next Saturday?

Sometimes people need to be provided with an alternative option, so the last sentence could be modified slightly to suit the person you are speaking to and offer them another opportunity to book in at your restaurant. For example you could say - "Many apologies sir, we are fully booked this Saturday, but we do have availability through the week." "Unfortunately we are completely booked in the restaurant, but I can offer you a seat at the bar?" Of course any of these sentences offer an apology (Unfortunately, Sadly, Apologies) and also three different ways of explaining that the restaurant can not take any more bookings. (fully booked, completely booked, full)
代替案が必要な人もいると思います。最後の文では予約できる別の日を提示しています。これを相手に合わせて修正できます。例えば: "Many apologies sir, we are fully booked this Saturday, but we do have availability through the week." (申し訳ございません。この土曜日は予約が一杯です。平日でしたらご予約可能です。 "Unfortunately we are completely booked in the restaurant, but I can offer you a seat at the bar?" (申し訳ございません。レストランは予約が一杯です。バーの方でしたら席がありますが?) もちろん、これらすべての表現には謝罪(Unfortunately/Sadly/Apologies)が含まれてます。また、予約が埋まっていることは、三つの異なる言い方(fully booked/completely booked/full)で表しています。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry, but we are fully booked that day.

  • My apologies, but we have no availability for Saturday.

  • Sorry, but the reservation list is full.

You can say the phrases listed above to tell a potential customer why you are not able to accommodate them. If you say these phrases with sincerity, the customer will appreciate that you are trying to be polite and helpful. After saying "I'm sorry, but we are fully booked that day," you can try to offer another available time. For example, you can add, "We do have an availability for either Friday or Sunday. Will these work for you?"
上記のフレーズで、なぜ予約ができないのか伝えることができます。 誠実に、誠意をもってこれらのフレーズを言えば、相手にも気持ちが伝わると思います。 また、 "I'm sorry, but we are fully booked that day" と言った後に、予約可能な別の時間を提示することもできます。例えば: "We do have an availability for either Friday or Sunday. Will these work for you?" (金曜日か木曜日でしたら予約可能です。いかがでしょうか?)
Jaymie Gee DMM英会話講師
  • We are fully booked for Saturday sorry.

  • Sorry but we have no tables left for that date.

  • Sorry we are already full up.

When the restaurant has reached its maximum reservation capacity for Saturday you could start or end the sentence with saying sorry. You should apologise and explain politely that your restaurant has no more spaces available in the same sentence. "Sorry we are fully booked this Saturday." But you could offer your customers an alternative date to visit your restaurant, "Sorry we have no spaces left for Saturday but we have tables available on Sunday if you would prefer to come then instead?''
レストランの土曜日の予約が一杯になったときは、文の始めか終わりで「sorry(ごめんなさい)」が使えます。謝罪と予約が埋まっていることの説明を一つの文でした方がいいです。 Sorry we are fully booked this Saturday. (すみません、土曜日は予約が一杯です。) しかし、レストランに来てもらう代替の日をお客さんに提示することもできます。 Sorry we have no spaces left for Saturday but we have tables available on Sunday if you would prefer to come then instead? (すみません、土曜日は予約が一杯です。日曜日は空席がありますが、どうなさいますか?)
Shannon J DMM英会話講師
  • I'm afraid we are fully booked on Saturday.

  • I'm sorry, we are fully booked on Saturday.

こんにちは。 下記のような言い方ができます。 ・I'm afraid we are fully booked on Saturday. ・I'm sorry, we are fully booked on Saturday. 「申し訳ございません、土曜日は予約でいっぱいです」 I'm afraid は「残念ながら」「申し訳ございませんが」のようなニュアンスで使われます。シンプルに I'm sorry と言ってももちろん大丈夫です。 fully booked は「予約がいっぱい」という意味です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • I'm sorry but we're already fully booked on Saturday

  • I'm sorry. We're fully booked for that day

When a customer is trying to make a booking for Saturday and the restaurant is fully booked on that day, then you can explain this in the following ways: -I'm sorry but we're already fully booked on Saturday -I'm sorry. We're fully booked for that day
土曜日に予約したいお客さんに対して、その日は既に予約で埋まっていることを伝える言い方です: -I'm sorry but we're already fully booked on Saturday (申し訳ございません。土曜日は既に予約で一杯です。) -I'm sorry. We're fully booked for that day (申し訳ございません。その日は既に予約で一杯です。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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