世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/05/03 19:03
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  • Are there many buses?

『(特定の場所を走行するバスのルートに)たくさんのバスが来てくれるか』を聞く場合には、 Can I/we expect many buses in that bus line? How often can I/we get buses in that bus line? となります。 お役に立てたらうれしいです。
Terumi H アメリカ在住元英語講師
  • What kind of public transportation is available in this city?

  • Are there buses or trains available in this city?

  • Are there any buses in the city?

What kind of public transportation is available in this city? Are there buses or trains available in this city? Are there any buses in the city? Is there a bus schedule I can get? Can I get a bus and train schedule? Where can I get a bus/train schedule? How many buses and trains are in this city? Are there any buses or trains in the city?
What kind of public transportation is available in this city? (この町には公共の交通機関では何が走っていますか) Are there buses or trains available in this city? (この町にはバスか電車は走っていますか) Are there any buses in the city? (その町にはバスは走っていますか) Is there a bus schedule I can get? (バスの時刻表を頂けますか) Can I get a bus and train schedule? (バスと電車の時刻表を頂けますか) Where can I get a bus/train schedule? (バス/電車の時刻表はどこで手に入りますか) How many buses and trains are in this city? (この町ではバスと電車は何本走っていますか) Are there any buses or trains in the city? (その町にはバスか電車は走っていますか)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • How many buses come by this stop?

  • How often does the bus come by?

  • When is the next bus coming?

If you are standing at a bus stop, you can ask one of these questions to see how many buses will come. If you say, "How many buses come by this stop?" then someone will tell you the number of buses that come to that bus stop. They might answer, "Nine buses come to this stop." If you say, "How often does the bus come by?" the person will tell you the approximate time of when buses stop at this bus stop and then leave. To "come by" means the stop shortly and then leave. They might say, "The bus stops here every hour." You can also say, "How often does the bus run?" "Run" in this case means come by or to stop shortly and then leave. They person might say, "The bus runs ever hour." If you say, "When is the next bus coming?" the person will tell you when the next bus is arriving. They might say, "The next bus will be arriving in about 15 minutes."
今バス停に立っているなら、これらの質問でバスの本数を確認できます。 "How many buses come by this stop?"(このバス停には何本バスが来ますか)と言うと、そのバス停に来るバスの本数を教えてもらえます。例えば、"Nine buses come to this stop."(このバス停には9本のバスが来ます)のように答えてくれます。 "How often does the bus come by?"(バスはどのくらいの頻度で来ますか)と言うと、バスがそのバス停に来るだいたいの時間を教えてもらえます。"come by" は短い時間止まって再び立ち去ることをいいます。例えば、"The bus stops here every hour."(バスは1時間おきに来ます)のように答えてくれます。 "How often does the bus run?"(バスはどのくらいの頻度で走りますか)と言うこともできます。"run" はこの場合「立ち寄る/短い時間止まって再び立ち去る」という意味です。例えば "The bus runs ever hour."(バスは1時間おきに走ります)のように答えてくれます。 "When is the next bus coming?"(次のバスはいつ来ますか)と言うと、次のバスがいつ来るのか教えてもらえます。例えば、"The next bus will be arriving in about 15 minutes."(次のバスは15分後くらいに来ます)のように答えてくれます。
Miykael DMM英会話講師
  • Do the buses run regularly?

  • Do the buses come often?

"Do the buses run regularly?" When using the term 'regularly' this often used to describe something that comes around often, something that is often repeated. ex. "I regularly get my haircut". "Do the buses come often?" To come 'Often' is a term again used to describe/ask about something that happens regularly, ex. "How often do you go to the gym?"
"Do the buses run regularly?"(バスは走っていますか) 'regularly' は、しょっちゅうやって来るものや繰り返されることを表すのによく使われます。 例: "I regularly get my haircut"(定期的に髪の毛を切ってもらいます) "Do the buses come often?"(バスの本数は多いですか) 'Often' もまた、それが頻繁に起こることなのかを尋ねます。 例: "How often do you go to the gym?"(ジムにはどのくらいの頻度で行きますか)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Does the bus come often?

  • Are the buses frequent in this area?

When you want to ask about how often buses come around a certain area, then you may say it in the following ways: -Does the bus come often? -Are the buses frequent in this area?
バスがどのくらいの本数走っているのか確認したいときは、次のように言えます。 -Does the bus come often?(バスの本数は多いですか) -Are the buses frequent in this area?(この辺りはバスの本数は多いですか)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Does the bus stop here often?

  • How often do the buses run?

  • Do you know when the next bus comes?

All of these questions can be used to ask someone when you can expect the next bus. The first two questions will get you an ansewer like "every 15 minutes" or something like that. The last question will get you an answer like "The next bus comes at 10:22."
これらの質問はどれも、次のバスがいつ来るのか確認したいときに使うことができます。 一つ目と二つ目の質問には "every 15 minutes"(15分おきです)のような返事が返ってきます。 最後の質問には "The next bus comes at 10:22."(次のバスは10時22分に来ます)のように返事が返ってきます。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • Does the bus come here often?

  • Do many buses stop here?

If you would like to find out if the bus comes often, you could say: "Does the bus come here often?" "Do many buses stop here?"
バスの本数が多いかどうか確認したいときは、次のように言えます。 "Does the bus come here often?"(ここはバスの本数は多いですか) "Do many buses stop here?"(ここはバスの本数は多いですか)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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