I didn't go to his place because he wouldn't like that.
He wouldn't like it if I went over to his place, so I didn't.
①I didn't go to his place because he wouldn't like that.
I didn't go→行かなかった
his place→彼のところ
※家の種類にも寄って「家」の単語が変わります(一軒家=House、マンション=Apartment、コンドミニアム=Condo、など)。”Place"は「場所」という意味ですが、日本語で言う「○○のところ」に相当する単語です。もし、彼がマンションに住んでいるのであれば、I didn't go to his apartmentと言ってもOKです!
He wouldn't like that→ここでは、Thatは「私が彼の家に行くこと」を指しています。彼は私が彼に行くことを嫌がると思う、というニュアンスです。
②He wouldn't like it if I went over to his place, so I didn't.
He wouldn't like it→上記例文同様、「私が彼の家に行くことを嫌がると思う」というニュアンスです。
If I went over to his place→もし私が彼の家まで行ったら
So I didn't→ここでの"So"は「だから」という意味になります。「だから私は(彼の家に)行かなかった。」