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「好きになる」という変化を表す場合はcome to likeで良いでしょうか?宜しくお願いします。
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2018/05/06 19:26
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  • I started to like vegetables when I was an adult.

  • I came to like veggies once I grew up.

例文1「大人になって野菜を好きになった。」 「好きになる」は start to like ~ や start liking ~ と言います。 例文2「大きくなって野菜を好きになった。」 come to like で「好きになる」ということもできます。 start to like / start liking の方がカジュアルでよく使うかなと思います。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • I only started to like vegetables when i was an adult

  • When i was a child i didn't like vegetables, but started to like them as i got older

If you didn't like something all the time then you would say 'started to like' 'When i was a child i didn't like vegetables, but started to like them as i got older' this explains when you started to like them
何かがそれまでずっと好きでなかったなら、それは 'started to like'(好きになった)で表せます。 'When I was a child I didn't like vegetables, but started to like them as I got older'(子どもの頃は野菜が好きではなかったですが、年を取るにつれ好きになりました) この文は、それをいつから好きになったのか伝えています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I only started liking vegetables as an adult

  • When I was a child, I did not like vegetables but only started liking them as I grew older

When you want to explain that you did not like vegetables as a child but came to like them as an adult, then you can say it in the following ways: -When I was a child, I did not like vegetables but only started liking them as I grew older -I only started liking vegetables as an adult. -I hated vegetables as a child but now (as an adult) I love them.
子供のころは野菜が嫌いだったけど大人になって好きになった、と言いたいときに使える表現です。 -When I was a child, I did not like vegetables but only started liking them as I grew older 子供のころは野菜が好きじゃなかったけど、大人になるにつれて好きになった。 -I only started liking vegetables as an adult. 大人になるにつれて野菜が好きになった。 -I hated vegetables as a child but now (as an adult) I love them. 子供のころは野菜が大嫌いだったけど、(大人になった)今は大好き。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I started to like vegetables as I got older.

  • Now I am an adult, I like vegetables.

  • When I was a child I disliked vegetables, but now I like them.

You are an adult now, so you will generally use the present tense and the word 'now', as shown above. This shows that you currently like vegetables but there was a time when you did not like them. You can also specifically say that when you were a child you didn't like them. You could also use the phrase 'as a child...' You may not like all vegetables now, so you could be specific and say 'I never used to like cabbage, but I like it now', or 'when I was younger I didn't like cauliflower, but I like it now'.
今はもう大人になっているので、普通は上記の通り現在時制と 'now' を使います。これで、今は野菜が好きだけど昔嫌いなことがあったと表せます。 また、具体的に 'when I was a child'(子どもの頃)と言うこともできます。'as a child...'(同)を使ってもいいです。 今現在全ての野菜が好きというわけではないかもしれません。その場合は次のように具体的に言えます。 'I never used to like cabbage, but I like it now'(昔はキャベツが嫌いでしたが、今は好きです) 'When I was younger I didn't like cauliflower, but I like it now'(若い頃はカリフラワーが嫌いでしたが今は好きです)
Leanne D DMM英会話講師
  • I only liked vegetables once I grew up.

  • I enjoy vegetables now but I didn't when I was a child.

"I only liked vegetables once I grew up." This explains to the person that now that you are an adult you like vegetables but you didn't when you were a small child. Eg: Have you always liked vegetables?- "No, I only liked vegetables once I grew up." "I enjoy vegetables now but I didn't when I was a child." This is another way of explaining that you like vegetables now that you are an adult but when you were a child you did not. Eg Did you like vegetables when you were a child? - "No, I enjoy vegetables now but I didn't when I was a child."
〈1〉 "I only liked vegetables once I grew up." (大人になって初めて野菜が好きになった) ↑大人になった今は野菜が好きだけど子どもの頃は嫌いだったと伝えています。 【例文】 Have you always liked vegetables? - "No, I only liked vegetables once I grew up." 〔訳〕昔から野菜が好きだったの? - いいえ、 大人になって初めて野菜が好きになりました。 〈2〉 "I enjoy vegetables now but I didn't when I was a child." (今は野菜が好きだけど、子供の頃は好きではなかった) ↑一つ目の例と同様、こちらも、大人になった今は野菜が好きだけど子どもの頃は嫌いだったと伝えています。 【例文】 Did you like vegetables when you were a child? - "No, I enjoy vegetables now but I didn't when I was a child." 〔訳〕子供の時は野菜が好きだったの? - いいえ、今は野菜が好きだけど、子供の頃は好きではなかった
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • When I was a kid I hated vegetables, but now I love them!

When you are talking to someone you don't have to tell someone you're an adult if you are face to face with them. You can of course replace the word 'hated' with the word 'dislikes' and the word 'love' for the word 'like'. It all depends on how much or little you liked vegetables.
誰かと面と向かって話をしているなら、 わざわざ、あなたが大人だという事を話す必要はありません。 また 'hated'と言う言葉を 'dislikes'と置き換えることが出来 'love'を 'like'に替えることも出来ます。 これは、あなたがどのくらい野菜が好きかによります。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • I grew to like vegetables as I matured

  • I went from disliking veg as a child, to loving it as an adult

Veg = vegetables You can use this construction whenever you wish to describe a change or transformation of some kind. "My friend had a sex change and went from being female Marie to being male Mark."
Veg = vegetables「野菜」 from ... to 〜:この文構造は何かの変化や変質を説明する際にいつでも使うことができます。 "My friend had a sex change and went from being female Marie to being male Mark." 「私の友人は性転換し、女性のマリーから男性のマークになった」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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