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I waked up early today に珍しくを付け加えるならどんな文になりますか?
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2018/05/07 10:10
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  • I woke up early today for a change.

  • Unusually for me, I woke up early today.

1.I woke up early today for a change. 今日珍しく早起きした for a change.が「珍しく」という意味を 表します。changeが「変化」という意味ですから 何となくイメージできますね。 2.Unusually for me, I woke up early today. 私にしては珍しく、今日早起きした unusually for~は「~には珍しく」という 意味を表すフレーズでよく使われています。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • For once, I woke up early today.

  • I woke up early today, which isn't the usual.

Both of these say exactly what you want to say. It is not common that you wake up early, so it is usually something you'd notice and remark on. Both of these will let the listener know it is not usual for you.
どちらの表現表現もあなたが言いたい事を言い表しています。 あなたにとって早起きすることはよくあることではなく、とても珍しい事なのですね。 これら二つの表現で、聞き手に、これはいつもあることではない、という事を伝えることが出来ます。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • I woke up early today for once

  • I woke up early today for a change

  • I woke up earlier today

If you want to explain that you did something that you don't normally do you can use the words 'for once' or 'for a change' these explain it is something you would not normally do. You could simply say 'I woke up earlier today'
普段はしないことをしたと言いたいなら、'for once'または'for a change'という表現が使えます。これらは「普段はやらないこと」を表します。 シンプルに以下のように言うこともできます。 'I woke up earlier today' (今日はいつもより早く起きた)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I woke up early for once

To say that you woke up early for once is to explain that you usually wake up later than that.
I woke up early for once(今回だけは早く目が覚めた)とは、いつもはこれより遅く起きるということです。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I broke my routine and woke up early

  • Unusually for me, I decided to be an early bird

If you are an early bird, it means that you arrive early for something or wake up earlier than usual. This probably originated from the English proverb: 'The early bird catches the worm.' If you break your routine, it means that you do something that is generally,unusual for you.
「early bird」は「早く到着すること」または「いつもより早く起きること」を表します。たぶんこれは英語の格言「The early bird catches the worm (早起きは三文の得)」から来ています。 「break one's routine」は「普段はしないことをする」という意味です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I normally don't wake up early, but today was an exception.

  • I'm not an early bird, but today I woke up early!

The two sentences you see are excellent ways to express that you normally do not wake up early, but today you did. In the second sentence you will see the expression early bird. An early bird is a person that likes to wake up early and is most active in the morning. If you are the opposite of that than you are a night owl. These expressions are common in our everyday conversation with friends or family. They would be a great addition to your vocabulary.
どちらも「普段は早起きしないけど今日は早起きをした」という意味の文です。 二つ目の文の「early bird」は「早起きな、朝型の人」を表します。その反対は「night owl」と言います。どちらも友達や家族との会話でよく登場する表現です、覚えておくといいと思います。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I usually wake up (a bit) late but today I was up early

  • I woke up earlier than usual today

  • I don't usually wake up early but today I did.

When you want to explain that you usually don't wake up early but you did today, then you can say that in the following ways: -I usually wake up (a bit) late but today I was up early -I woke up earlier than usual today -I don't usually wake up early but today I did.
いつもは早起きしないけど今日は早く起きた、と伝える表現です: -I usually wake up (a bit) late but today I was up early たいてい(少し)遅く起きるんだけど、今日は早く起きた。 -I woke up earlier than usual today 今日はいつもより早く起きた。 -I don't usually wake up early but today I did. いつもは早起きしないけど、今日は早起きした。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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