世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/06 01:41
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  • This city is different to others because it has a lot of tall buildings.

  • This city is unique because it has many tall buildings.

"Unique" is a word used to describe something that is different to other similar things. So even though they are both cities, the one is unique because it has many tall buildings.
"Unique"と言う言葉は、他の似たようなものとは違う事を表現するときに使う言葉になります。 それがどちらとも都市だとしても、一つは高層ビルがあるので"unique"(違う)と言う事になります。
Kirst English teacher
  • Unlike the other cities, this one has many tall buildings.

The sentence starts with how the city is different from others and followed by why. This sentence can be more casual - 'there are loads of tall buildings in this city'. 'This city is different because it has loads of tall buildings'.
この文章は"how the city is different from others"(なんでこの町は他の町と違うのか)で始まり、"why"(なぜ、理由)と続きます。 この表現はもう少しカジュアルにすることが出来ます。 【例】 'there are loads of tall buildings in this city'. (この町には沢山の高層ビルがある) 'This city is different because it has loads of tall buildings' (この町は沢山の高層ビルがあるので、他の町とは違います)
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • This city bucks the trend and has a lot of tall buildings

To buck the trend - this means to be different from others of the same type; to do things differently, to be different; to do things in a different way than is normal. "West Ham United have bucked their losing trend of late and managed to beat Manchester United by two goals to nil."
To buck the trend - 急に違う方法で何かをやること、 (英文)"West Ham United have bucked their losing trend of late and managed to beat Manchester United by two goals to nil." (訳)West Ham Unitedはずっと負けていたが突然Manchester Unitedに2ゴールリードして優勝した。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Our city is so big the skyline is full of skyscrapers.

  • Our city has lots of tall building and the skyline is bigger than other cities.

  • We have a lot of skyscrapers in our city so expect lots of tall buildings.

The skyline is the view of a city from a distance and you can see the tall buildings. A skyscraper is a very tall building. These are common words we use that would make you sound like a native or local. Our city is so big the skyline is full of skyscrapers. Our city has lots of tall building and the skyline is bigger than other cities. We have a lot of skyscrapers in our city so expect lots of tall buildings. Check out our skyline. Our skyscrapers are taller than those of other cities.
"skyline"は離れた所から見た都市の輪郭を言います。 "skyscraper"は超高層ビルのことです。 どちらもよく使われる単語で、ネイティブっぽい響きしてくれます。 Our city is so big the skyline is full of skyscrapers.(私たちの住んでいるのは大都市で、スカイラインには超高層ビルが並んでいます) Our city has lots of tall buildings and the skyline is bigger than other cities.(この街には高層ビルがたくさんあって、他の街よりもスカイラインが大きいです) We have a lot of skyscrapers in our city so expect lots of tall buildings.(この街には超高層ビルがたくさんあるから、背の高い建物がたくさんあると思っていてね) Check out our skyline. Our skyscrapers are taller than those of other cities. (スカイラインを見てみなよ。他の都市よりも高層ビルの背が高いから)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Unlike other cities, this one has many tall buildings

  • This city has many tall buildings, unlike others

When something has a feature or something another one doesn't then we use the word 'unlike' to describe this so you would say 'unlike other cities' or 'unlike others'
特徴や他のものが持っていないものを表すときには、'unlike'が使えます。 ですから、'unlike other cities'(他の都市と違って)または 'unlike others'(同)と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "Unlike other cities, this city has many tall buildings"

  • "There are a lot of skyscrapers in that city"

In order to explain that a particular city has many tall buildings, you can simply state, "Unlike other cities, this city has many tall buildings". Or, "There are a lot of skyscrapers in that city". By saying "There are a lot of skyscrapers in that city", it illustrates to whomever you are talking to that there is an emphasis on how many tall buildings there are in that city.
その都市に高層ビルがたくさんあることを伝えたいなら、シンプルに次のように言えます。 "Unlike other cities, this city has many tall buildings" (他の都市と違ってこの都市にはたくさんの高層ビルが建っています) "There are a lot of skyscrapers in that city" (その都市には超高層ビルがたくさん建っています) ---- "There are a lot of skyscrapers in that city" では、高層ビルがたくさんあることを強調しています。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • This city is different from others because it has many tall buildings.

  • Unlike other cities, this city has many skyscrapers.

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that a particular city has many tall buildings. In the second sentence you will see the word skyscraper. This word means a very tall building. This word is commonly used in our everyday conversation, it would make an excellent addition to your vocabulary.
上記二つの例文は、この都市にはたくさんの高層ビルがあると伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 二つ目の例文には "skyscraper" という単語が使われています。これは「超高層ビル」という意味です。この単語は日常会話でよく使われます、ぜひ語彙に加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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