世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/05/08 14:52
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  • It is still early days in my new job

  • It hasn't been long since I changed jobs

  • I haven't been in my new job for long

「転職して日が浅い」= It is still early days in my new job / It hasn't been long since I changed jobs / I haven't been in my new job for long 「転職したばかりで日が浅いですが、思っていた仕事と違うので次の転職を考えてます」= I've only just moved jobs and it is still early days but the work is not what I thought it would be and I'm already thinking about changing jobs again. ボキャブラリー 日が浅い = early days still = まだ new job = 新しい仕事 not long = 日が浅い、短い期間 since = から、以来 changed jobs, moved jobs = 転職した only just ~ = ~したばかり work = 仕事、作業 already = もうすでに thinking about = ~を考えている again = また
Mairi 英語講師/著者/英語ブロガー
  • I just started a new job.

  • I just changed jobs.

Both examples are easy and non-formal ways of saying you are new at your job or just changed jobs. You don't really need to go further than these sentences because if you just changed jobs or started a new job it is implied that it is recent.
どちらの例文も、簡単にインフォーマルに、仕事を始めたばかり、と言い表す表現です。 仕事を替えたか始めたばかりと言う事を話しているので、 それは最近だということをほのめかしているので、それ以上の深く説明する必要はありません。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • I got a new job recently

  • I just recently started a new job

When you want to explain that you have started a new job, then you can explain in the following ways: -When you're working for the same company but have a new job position (and description), then you can say: a) I recently changed posts. I got a promotion (to manager from assistant manager) b) I just recently started my new job (post) with my company. -When you're working for an entirely different company; then you can say: a)I got a new job recently. (I stopped working for my old company) b) I just recently started a new job. I'm excited about moving to a different company and environment.
新しい仕事を始めたと伝えるときに使える表現です: -同じ会社で働いていて、ポジション(社内のポジション)が変わった時は: a) I recently changed posts. I got a promotion (to manager from assistant manager)  最近ポジションが変わったんだ。(アシスタントマネージャーからマネージャーに)昇進したんだ。 b) I just recently started my new job (post) with my company.  会社で最近新しい仕事を始めたんだ。 -全く違う会社で働き始めた時は: a)I got a new job recently. (I stopped working for my old company)  最近転職したんだ。(前の会社を辞めた) b) I just recently started a new job. I'm excited about moving to a different company and environment.  最近転職したんだ。会社と、環境も変わるから楽しみ。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • "I started a new job in the last few days/weeks/months."

  • "I started working at a new job recently."

"I started a new job in the last few days/weeks/months." "days/weeks/months" you can use any of these words to state how long it has been since you started your new job. "Last few" this tells the person you are talking to that this is something that happened not too long ago, or recently. "I started working at a new job recently." "Recently" for a few days, weeks, etc. "working" actually going to your new job and doing what you were hired to do.
"I started a new job in the last few days/weeks/months." 〔訳〕ここ数日/数週間/数ヶ月で新しい仕事を始めました "days/weeks/months" 新しい仕事を始めてどれくらいになるかを伝えるときに使えます。 "Last few" それが、そんなに前ではなく、最近起きたことだと伝えます。 "I started working at a new job recently." 〔訳〕最近新しい職場で働き始めました "Recently" 数日、数週間、など "working" 実際に新しい職場に行って、仕事をすることを表しています。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I just started a new job

  • It's the third day of my new job

You could speak generally about starting a new job, or be very specific and say how long you have been working in your new position. "I started a new job last week."
新しい仕事を始めたことを general に (漠然と) 伝えてもいいですし、具体的 (specific) に、どのくらい働いているか言ってもいいです。 "I started a new job last week." (先週から新しい仕事を始めた)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I just recently started working for a new company.

  • I am working in a new position.

  • I recently changed jobs.

To express that you recently changed jobs you may use any of the followings; I just recently started working for a new company. I am working in a new position. I recently changed jobs. I am working in a new department. I haven't been working for this company long. I just recently started working here.
最近仕事を変えたなら、以下のように言うことができます: I am working in a new position. (最近役職が変わった) I recently changed jobs. (最近転職した) I am working in a new department. (新しい部署で働いてる) I haven't been working for this company long. (この会社に来てまだそんなに経っていない) I just recently started working here.(この頃ここで働き始めた)
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • I recently started a new job

Recently is a word used to describe something that happened in the last few days or weeks.
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
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