I will be stopped at customs if they believe they (the カイロ)are intended for sales purposes.
If customs believe that they are for commercial purposes, I will be stopped and questioned.
The person from the moving company said that I might be stopped at customs if they believe the kairo (heat pads) are for commercial purposes so I'm wondering what I should do.
「商業目的とみなされると税関でつかまる」= I will be stopped at customs if they believe they (the カイロ)are intended for sales purposes. / If customs believe that they are for commercial purposes, I will be stopped and questioned.
「引越し業者さんに、商業目的とみなされると、税関で捕まると言われたのでどうしたら良いのか悩んでいます」= The person from the moving company said that I might be stopped at customs if they believe the kairo (heat pads) are for commercial purposes so I'm wondering what I should do.
stopped = つかまる
customs = 税関
believe = 思う、みなされる
intended for sales purposes/commercial purposes = 商業目的
questioned = 質問される、尋問される
person from the moving company = 引越し業者さん
wondering = 悩んでいる、迷っている
※ところで、イギリスでも「カイロ」のようなものを買う事が出来ます^^「hotteeze」というキーワードを調べると出てきます^^ そして、イギリスの家は日本の家より暖かいから家の中に使う必要がないと思います(外は別ですけど!)