Do you not like..〇〇?は 「〇〇されるの嫌いですか?」という意味です。
❶Do you not like getting your picture taken?
❷Do you not like people taking your picture?
Do you not like heights?
You can use the word photo/picture interchangeably. A lot of people do not like having their picture taken so this is a good one to know. Asking, "Would you rather I not take your photo?" will let the person say yes or no without getting into a discussion on why or why not.
"Would you rather I not take your photo?"(あなたの写真を撮らない方がいいですか)
When wondering if someone likes or dislikes having their picture taken you may make use of the three questions above.
dislike-A feeling of distaste for something.
photograph-A picture taken using a camera.
'How do you feel about...?'- A wonderful way to ask if someone likes something.
"How do you feel about~"(~することに対してどう思いますか)ー~についてどう思うか・好きかどうかを尋ねるときに適しています。
You can either use the word picture or photo.
Or you could say would you prefer I didn't take your picture? Or would you rather I didn't take your picture?
"Would you prefer I didn't take your picture?"
"Would you rather I didn't take your picture?"
"Don't you like having your picture taken?"
"Do you not like having your picture taken?"
Don't - Do not
"taken" - photo being captured or recorded to a camera.
"Would you rather I did not take your picture?"
"Would you rather" similar to "would you prefer" Basically, you are asking if the person does not want their picture taken.
"Don't you like having your picture taken?"
"Do you not like having your picture taken?"
Don't - Do notの略
"taken" - photo being captured or recorded to a camera.
"Would you rather I did not take your picture?"
"Would you rather" (~しない方がいいですか)は"would you prefer"(~の方がいいですか)と言い換えることができます。
When we ask this question we are assuming from their actions that the person does not like their picture taken, so we are giving them the option of not taking a picture when we formulate the question in this way.
If you are averse to something, it means that you instinctively dislike it or naturally prefer to avoid it.
"I'm not averse to taking a dip in the ocean if the water temperature is satisfactory."
「averse to something」は、それ(something)を自然と避ける、または、本能的に嫌いなことを表します。、
I am not averse to taking a dip in the sea if the water temperatureis satisfactory.