「Excuse me!」だけでは、ウェイターが気づかない場合もあります。
「Excuse me!」よりも、「Excuse me, waiter!」がオススメです。
Can someone take my order?
Can I get some help?
Where's the waiter?
Waiter, please!
Hello, waiter?
I'd like to order!
Excuse me, but I'd like to order.
Can someone point me to the waiter?(←直訳:「今、ウェイターがどこにいるか、誰か知りませんか?」)
Excuse me, but I'd like to order. I've been waiting for a long time.
Waiter. とよくドラマなどで呼んでいたりしますが、これをスマートに出来るにはかなり年季がかかると思われます。決して Hey waiter! などと叫ばぬように。
Hi, I would like to place an order:
In this case, you get to be polite while letting the person know your intention. If they are busy they would then know what to do so you are able to place your order.
[wave] Can I order with you?:
In this case, you want to grab the attention of a waiter you see bye slightly waving your hand in their direction. Once you catch their attention you can let them know that you wish to place an order.
Hi, I would like to place an order:
[手を振りながら] Can I order with you?:
You can ask/say :
'Is there anybody that can help me?'
'I need assistance please.'
'Excuse me, a waiter please.'
'I need a waiter.'
'Is there anybody that can help me?'
'I need assistance please.'
'Excuse me, a waiter please.'
'I need a waiter.'
Excuse me, waiter! can you please come take my order.
>Hello, can someone call our waiter please.
This is just a way of asking any other staff member in the restaurant to call your waiter.
>Excuse me, waiter! can you please come take my order.
This is when you have spotted the waiter.
Hello, can someone call our waiter please.
Excuse me, waiter! can you please come take my order.
"Sorry,can someone take our order?"
sorry = This is a useful way of getting someone's attention when trying to order in a restaurant.
Make sure you use the correct intonation so that it sounds like a question as opposed to an apology.
"I beg your pardon"
This is an acceptable way of getting someone's attention.It has a similar meaning to "sorry".
e.g. I beg your pardon,please may we place an order.
"Pardon me,we'd like to order"
This has a similar meaning to "Excuse me ,we would like to order" and is an acceptable and polite way of asking for service.
“Sorry, can someone take our order?”
sorry = これはレストランで注文をしたく、誰かの注意をひくときに使える言葉です。
“I beg your pardon”
例 I beg your pardon, please may we place an order?”
“Pardon me, we’d like to order.”
これは”Excuse me, we would like to order”と同じような意味を持ち、注文を取ってもらいたいときの丁寧な表現として使うことができます。