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2018/05/16 00:06
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  • That T-shirt is sold for one-third of the price in Thailand than what it is in Japan.

  • That T-shirt is three times more expensive in Japan than it is in Thailand.

回答1は日本の3分の1という言い方です。 One-thirdで3分の1です。2分の1はhalf、4分の1はquarterと言いますが、基本的には数字―序数の言い方で○分の○になります。日本語では、分母が先、分子が後ですが、英語では逆になりますので留意して使ってみてください。 回答2は参考までに「日本では3倍で売られている」の表現を使ってみました。どちらの目線で話しているかによって使い分けてみて下さい。
Kazumi M 英会話講師
  • The shirt is cheaper in Thailand than it is in Japan by a third!

  • The shirt is a third cheaper in Thailand than it is in Japan.

  • The T-shirt is more expensive in Japan than it is in Thailand.

You can use any of these examples to talk about the price difference. You can be simple and just say it is more expensive in Japan than in Thailand. But you can always say a third cheaper or you can also say the price of each of the t-shirts.
価格差について話すのに、これらの例のすべてを使うことができます。 またシンプルに次のように言うことができます。 "It is more expensive in Japan than in Thailand." 「タイより日本のほうが高い」 しかしながら、a third cheaper「三分の一安い」と言ったり、個々のTシャツの価格を言うこともできますよ。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • Those tee shirts are 66 percent cheaper in Thailand, compared to Japan

If you talk about something being cheaper, you may compare it in terms of the percentage or proportion that it is cheaper. "On Fridays, there is a 25% discount on clothing." "Yes, it's a quarter cheaper on Fridays."
何かがより安価であることについて話すのであれば、より安価であることを表すパーセンテージや割合に言い換えて比較するのが良いでしょう。 "On Fridays, there is a 25% discount on clothing." 「金曜日は衣料品が25%オフだよ」 "Yes, it's a quarter cheaper on Fridays." 「そうだよ。金曜日は4分の1安くなるよ」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This T-shirt is a third of the price in Thailand than it is in Japan

You can say that "This T-shirt is a third of the price in Thailand than it is in Japan" which means it is three times more expensive in Japan than in Thailand.
"This T-shirt is a third of the price in Thailand than it is in Japan" (このTシャツはタイでは日本の3分の1の値段で買える) つまり、日本ではタイの3倍の値がするということです。
Lou A DMM英会話講師
  • That t-shirt is sold for one third of the price in Thailand compared to the price in Japan

  • The t-shirt is sold for a third of the price in Thailand

When you want to explain that a t-shirt is much cheaper in Thailand, then you can say: -That t-shirt is sold for one third of the price in Thailand compared to the price in Japan -The t-shirt is sold for a third of the price in Thailand
タイではTシャツをかなり安い値段で購入できる、という事を伝えるには次のように言うことができます。 -That t-shirt is sold for one third of the price in Thailand compared to the price in Japan (あのTシャツ、タイでは日本の3/1の値段で売られている。) -The t-shirt is sold for a third of the price in Thailand (あのTシャツ、タイでは3/1の値段で売られている。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • The T-shirt is sold for one third of the price in Thailand than the price in Japan

  • The T-shirt is a third of the price in Thailand than Japan

When you are comparing the price in 2 countries then you can say 'one third of the price in Thailand than the price in Japan' or 'a third of the price in Thailand than Japan'
二つの国の価格を比較したいなら、 'one third of the price in Thailand than the price in Japan'(タイでは日本の3分の1の価格) または、 'a third of the price in Thailand than Japan'(タイでは日本の3分の1の価格) と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • It is one third of the price in Thailand.

  • The t-shirt is three times more expensive in Japan than in Thailand.

It is one third of the price in Thailand. - This means that if a product is 30 USD in Japan, it is 10 USD in Thailand. The t-shirt is three times more expensive in Japan than in Thailand.
It is one third of the price in Thailand.(タイではその3分の1の値段です) - これは、仮にその商品が日本で30ドルなら、タイでは10ドルということです。 The t-shirt is three times more expensive in Japan than in Thailand.(そのTシャツは日本ではタイの3倍の値段です)
Niabh DMM英語講師
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