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My dog is always some place where can see me.は合ってますか?文のつなげ方は正しいですか?
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2018/05/18 04:52
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  • My dog is always where he/she can see me.

  • My dog never leaves my sight.

  • My dog follows me everywhere I go.

❶ My dog is always where he/she can see me. (私の犬はいつも私のことが見える場所にいる)。 犬はオスかメスによって、he か she を使ってください。 ❷ My dog never leaves my sight. (私の犬はいつも私から離れない)。 ❸ My dog follows me everywhere I go. (私の犬は私がどこへ行っても、後ろにひっついてくる)。 例えば: My dog always follows me everywhere I go. She’s like my second shadow, (私の犬はいつも私の後ろにひっついて来る。彼女はまるで私の第2の影だ)。
  • My dog can't take its eyes off me

To keep one's eye on someone = to watch someone constantly. To take one's eye off someone = to stop watching someone constantly even if only briefly. "Can't take my eyes off you" is a famous song by Franki Valli: 'You're just too good to be true I can't take my eyes off you You'd be like heaven to touch I wanna hold you so much…'
To keep one's eye on someone = (誰々) をずっと見る To take one's eye off someone = ほんの少しでも、(誰々) を見るのをやめる 「Can't take my eyes off you」はフランキー・ヴァリ (Frankie Valli) の有名な曲です: 'You're just too good to be true I can't take my eyes off you You'd be like heaven to touch I wanna hold you so much…'
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My dog is very clingy.

"My dog is very clingy." Would be a fun way to say your dog always has to be with you or within viewing distance. "Clingy" means someone who is always around you and needs to be around you or they get sad.
「My dog is very clingy.」は、犬がいつもあなたにぴったりくっついている、またはあなたの視界にいるという意味で、面白い言い方です。 Clingyとは、あなたの周りにいつもくっついている、また周りにいる必要があり、でないと悲しくなるという意味です。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • My dog is always very close to me.

This sentence talks about physical proximity, which in this case, is the fact that your dog is never far away from you. Based upon that, your listener should be able to assume that your dog can always see you. I hope that this helps :)
この文は、物理的に近いこと、この場合、あなたの犬があなたから遠く離れることがないということです。 つまり、聞き手が、あなたの犬が常にあなたが見えるということを推測することができるはずです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • My dog is never out of my sight

To say that something is never out of your sight, is to say that you can always see them no matter where they are, because you make an effort to always watch them.
「___ is never out of my sight」で「___は常に私の見えるところにいる (目を離さないようにしている)」という意味になります。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • My dog is always somewhere he/she can see me

  • My dog never leaves my side

  • My dog is very clingy

When someone will not leave you alone they are said to be 'clingy' or to 'never leave your side' If you dog always wants to see you then you would say 'my dog is always somewhere he/she can see me'
「独りにさせてくれない人」は、'clingy' や 'never leave your side' で表されます。 犬が常に自分の見える所にいようとするなら、'my dog is always somewhere he/she can see me'(私の犬は常に私が見える所にいます)と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "My dog is always in clear view."

  • "I never let him/her leave my sight."

"My dog is always in clear view" is a short way of saying you can clearly see your dog or that there are no visual obstructions between yourself and the dog. You can both see each other very clearly. "I never let him/her leave my sight." Similar to the example above, we are talking about the visual connection between yourself and the dog. It is a quick, expressive way to say you can always see your dog and therefore they can always see you too.
"My dog is always in clear view" は、自分が自分の犬をはっきり見えることを伝える短いフレーズです。どちらもお互い見えるところにいるということです。   "I never let him/her leave my sight."は、上の例と似ていますが、あなたと犬の視覚的つながりを伝えています。あなたも犬もお互い見えるとことにいることを伝える簡単な方法です。
Rada DMM英会話講師
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