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金曜日などに「もうすぐ週末。頑張れ」ってどう言えばよいでしょう?例えばWeekend is almost there.Good luck with your work.などで通じるでしょうか?
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2018/05/18 07:31
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  • Weekend is coming! Good luck with your work!

  • Weekend is around the corner!

Weekend is almost there!も使用可能です。他の文章も載せてみましたので参考までに。 「Weekend is coming」は「週末はもうすぐだ」という意味になります。「is coming」はよく使われる表現ですので覚えておくと良いでしょう。 また、2つ目ですが「around the corner」も「もうすぐ」という意味になります。ぜひ使ってみてください。
  • The weekend is only _number_ of days away. You can make it!

  • You can do it! It's _day of week_, only _number_ more days until the weekend!

"The weekend is only _amount of days_ away. You can make it!" Of course you add the number of days (The weekend is only two days away. You can make it!). You can also start with your encouragement and say, "You can do it! It's Thursday, only two more days until the weekend!"
"The weekend is only _amount of days_ away. You can make it!" 「amount of days」には「日数」が入ります: 【例】 The weekend is only two days away. You can make it! (あと二日で週末だから。頑張って) 「頑張って」から始めてもいいです。 【例】 You can do it! It's Thursday, only two more days until the weekend! (頑張って!今日木曜日だから、あと二日で週末!)
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • It's almost the weekend!!

By saying it is 'almost' the weekend, you are stating that the weekend is coming very soon. By using emphasis and enthusiasm in your intonation, you can convey excitement and energy in what you are saying.
「It's almost the weekend」で「週末がじきに来る」という意味になります。 発音に抑揚を付けたり、気持ちを込めることで、わくわく感やエネルギーを表すことができます。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Let's get this work done so we can relax at the weekend

The weekend is fast-approaching and your associates appear to be flagging in their set tasks. As encouragement, you could offer the example sentence above. However, what is more important is why the communal working spirit is half-hearted. Perhaps some words addressing this issue may be more appropriate?
週末がどんどん近づいています。 そして、あなたは上記の例文を使って同僚を励ますことができます。 しかし、とても重要な事は共同作業の精神が何故気乗りしないかと言う事です。 もしかしたら、いくつかの言葉でこのことを呼び掛ける事が適切なのかもしれませんね?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's almost the weekend so let's get all our work done

  • Lets work hard, the weekend is coming up then we can relax

If you want to encourage someone on friday to get as much work done as possible then by saying 'it's almsot the weekend' or 'the weekends coming up' they would then know they have some time off to relax so would maybe work harder to get everything done
相手に週末前に仕事を終わらせよう、と促す場合、”It almost the weekend"または”The weekend's coming up"(もうすぐ週末だね)と言えば、週末にはリラックスできるから、出来る限り仕事を片付けようという気になるかもしれません。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • It is almost the weekend.

  • Lets work hard, the weekend isn't far away.

  • The weekend is just around the corner.

In order to explain that it is not long till the weekend, you can simply state "It is almost the weekend". However, to encourage people to be mindful of this, you could state "Lets work hard, the weekend isn't far away". In turn, this makes people aware that the weekend is not far away but also encourages them.
週末が近いことはシンプルに次のように表せます。 "It is almost the weekend"(もうすぐ週末だ) ただ、相手にこれについて意識してもらいたいなら、 "Let's work hard, the weekend isn't far away"(頑張って働こう。週末はすぐそこだ) と言えます。このように言うと、週末がすぐそこであることを伝えられ、励ますこともできます。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • It is almost the weekend!

  • The week is almost over!

By using this phrase, you are expressing delight, through not only words but also intonation and emphasis, at the fact that the week, possibly the working week, is nearly over and on the weekend you can relax and enjoy your time.
Alice D DMM英会話講師
  • The weekend is just around the corner.

  • It's almost the weekend!

If you want to explain that it's almost the weekend, you can say: "The weekend is just around the corner." "It's almost the weekend!"
「もうすぐ週末だ」は次のように言えます。 "The weekend is just around the corner."(週末はもうすぐそこ) "It's almost the weekend!"(もうすぐ週末だ)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • It's almost the weekend! You can do it!

  • Just a few more days till the weekend.

When you say, "It's almost the weekend!" or "Just a few more days till the weekend," you are encouraging yourself with a countdown of sorts. It is very useful, especially when you have started your week poorly. You can also use this phrase when you want to count down the days until your vacation.
"It's almost the weekend!"(もうすぐ週末)または "Just a few more days till the weekend"(週末まであと数日)では、週末までのカウントダウンをして自分自身を鼓舞しています。特に週の出だしでつまずいたときに使える表現です。また、このフレーズは休暇までのカウントダウンをするときにも使うことができます。
Joaquin DMM英会話講師
  • The weekend's almost here!

okada さん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 上の文脈を英語で表現したい場合は、下記の表現ではいかがでしょうか。 The weekend's almost here, let's work hard to get work done^^ --- work hard = がんばる --- get .... done = ~を終える ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
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