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私「今日、TOEICを受験しました」講師「どうだった」私「前回の試験よりも良くできたと思います」 It would be better than last time.と考えました。
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desu nyanchuuさん
2018/05/21 01:08
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  • I think I improved my score this time!

  • I am sure I did better on my test this second time.

"I think I improved my score this time!" I think - hopeful. Improved -When something gets better. (My outlook on life improved when I saw John.) This time - on this attempt of the test. "I am sure I did better on my test this second time." I am sure - certainty, confidence. Second time - You have made two attempts to take the exam.
「I think I improved my score this time!」 「今回は、前回よりもできたと思う!」 I think-期待して、希望の持てる、見込みのある Improved-前よりも良くなった、向上した (My outlook on life improved when I saw John.) (私は、ジョンに会ってから人生観が良くなった。) This time-今回 「I am sure I did better on my test this second time.」 「二回目のこのテストは、前回よりできたと思うよ。」 I am sure-確かに、自信を持ってそう言える Second time-二回目(この場合、テストを受けるのが)
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I feel that I did better than last time.

This is just saying you have a feeling of confidence that this test went better than your last test.
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • I think I did better than last time

To say that you think you did better than last time, is to say that the first time you took the test you did not do so well, but this time you feel there was an improvement compared to the last time you took the test.
"I think I did better than last time" (前回よりもよかったと思う) 「最初にテストを受けた時はあまりよくなかったけど、今回は前回よりもよかったと感じている」という意味です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I did better than last time.

  • I think I did better than last time.

「よくできた」の主語は「(私が)よくできた」ということなので、「I did better than last time」と言うといいでしょう(「It」を主語にすると、「得点」が主語という解釈になります)。自信があるときは「I think」は省略しても構いません。ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • I think I did better than last time

  • I think I improved my score this time!

  • I'm sure I did better than last time

If you are trying to explain to someone that you think you did better on a test than last time you could say 'I think I did better than last time' you can also use the term 'improved' so could say 'I think I improved my score this time' If you think you did better you could say 'I'm sure I did better than last time'
テストの出来が前回よりも良かったと伝えたいなら、以下のように表せます。 'I think I did better than last time'(前回より出来たと思う) また、'improved'を使って、 'I think I improved my score this time'(今回はスコアが上がったと思う) と言うことも出来ます。 前回よりもよく出来たと思うなら、 'I'm sure I did better than last time'(前回よりはよく出来た) と言うことが出来ます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I think I did better than last time.

  • I think I improved my score from last time.

  • I think my score will be better than last time.

You can use any of these sentences to say that you think today's score will be better than the score you achieved last time. 'Better than' or 'worse than' are very useful words to use when comparing two things. For example: 'My grades this year were better than last year.' 'Teacher, my grades are worse than they were before. Why do you think this is?' 'My shoes are better than your shoes!'
上記3例とも、「今日のスコアは前回よりも良いと思う」と伝えるときに使えます。 'better than'または'worse than'は二つのものを比較するときにとても便利です。 例: 'My grades this year were better than last year.'(今年は去年よりも成績が良かった) 'Teacher, my grades are worse than they were before. Why do you think this is?'(先生、私の成績は前よりも悪くなっています。どうしてだと思いますか) 'My shoes are better than your shoes!'(私の靴の方があなたの靴よりも良い)
Sanndy S DMM英会話講師
  • I think I have improved.

  • I feel better about it than last time.

  • I am more confident than last time.

If you say that you have improved, then it is understood that you did better than last time. Also by saying that you are more confident, it is made clear to any fluent English speaker that you have a better understanding of the material. Also to feel good or better about something means the same as having confidence.
"I have improved"(よりよくなった)と言えば、前回よりもよくできたことが伝わります。 また、"I am more confident"(今回の方が自信がある)と言えば、英語が流ちょうな人には、前回よりも教材がよく理解できたことがはっきり伝わります。 また、"feel good/better about something"も「自信がある」という意味です。
Mick J DMM英会話講師
  • I think I did much better than last time, though.

「前回よりもできたと思う。」 "I think I did much better than last time, though." という表現を使うことも出来ます。 "though"は、「~だけど」という意味で文尾や文中に入れて会話の中で使います。「前回よりはできたけど自信はそんなにない」というニュアンスを伝えたい場合に使います。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • I think I did better than last time.

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、 I think I did better than last time. 「前回よりも良くできたと思います」 と表現できます。 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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