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2018/05/21 16:13
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  • I like to do lots of things, but I do not have a specific hobby.

  • I do not have a specific hobby.

"I like to do lots of things, but I do not have a specific hobby." Use this sentence to say that there are many things you enjoy doing, but there is not one that you like to do the most. Specific - One particular thing. Or just simply say. "I do not have a specific hobby." or I do not have a particular hobby." "I do not have a particular hobby that I like to do." Like to do - something you enjoy spending your time doing.
「I like to do lots of things, but I do not have a specific hobby.」 上記の例文は、楽しめることは沢山あるけれど、特定の趣味はないと言うときに使います。 Specificは、一つの特別なことという意味です。 または、簡単に下記のように言えます。 「I do not have a specific hobby.」、または「 I do not have a particular hobby.」と言い、これといって特に趣味がないという意味です。 「I do not have a particular hobby that I like to do.」 Like to doは、時間を費やしてすることで楽しむものという意味です。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I don't have any particular hobby.

「特定の趣味はなにもない」という意味です。 1つにはこのように表現できると思います(^_^)
  • I don't have any particular hobbies

  • I do not have any specific hobbies

If you want to say you don't have any hobbies that you like more than any else then you can use the words 'particular' or 'specific' so you could say 'I enjoy doing many things in my free time, I don't have any specific hobbies'
特に好きな趣味はないと言いたいなら、'particular' または 'specific' が使えます。 次のように言えるでしょう。 'I enjoy doing many things in my free time, I don't have any specific hobbies' (空いた時間にはいろいろなことをしますが、特に趣味というのはありません)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I don't have any particular hobbies

A hobby is an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure. Using the word particular here is another way of saying 'specific'.
「hobby」は、空いた時間に楽しみとしてしていること (=趣味) を言います。 ここでは「particular」は「specific (特定の)」という意味です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I don't have any real hobbies.

  • I don't have any hobbies.

If you don't really have something you do often or are interested in you can simple say, "I don't have any real hobbies." or "I don't have any hobbies."
もし、いつも決まってすることや、趣味が特にない場合は、簡単に「I don't have any real hobbies.」や、「I don't have any hobbies.」と言えます。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • None in particular.

  • I don't have any specific hobbies.

You can use 'particular' or 'specific' to express that there is not one. E.g. What is your favorite hobby? "I don't have one in particular".
これというものがないことは、'particular' や 'specific' で表せます。 【例】What is your favorite hobby?(好きな趣味は何ですか) "I don't have one in particular"(特にこれというものはありません)
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • Nothing in particular.

  • Nothing special.

  • Nothing of any interest.

When asked if you have any hobbies, and you want to say that you don't have any in particular, then please use the above example sentence.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I don’t have one particular hobby.

  • I like a lot of things, but I don’t have a specific hobby.

You can use both these phrases to tell someone you don’t have just one hobby that you really like or enjoy. Using “specific” and “particular” refers to one thing, for example: “I really love to play basketball”
どちらのフレーズでも「特別な趣味はない」と伝えることができます。 “specific” と “particular” は「一つのもの」を指します。 例えば: “I really love to play basketball” (バスケをするのが大好きです)
Rachel Ly DMM英会話講師
  • I don't have any hobbies.

  • I don't have any specific hobbies.

It is pretty simple to say. These two sentences should help you explain the situation. The first sentence means you do not have any hobbies in general and the second is more specific because it means that you do not have any specific hobbies.
これはとてもシンプルに言えます。上の二つの文で説明できます。 一つ目の文は「趣味がない」という意味です。 二つ目の文はより具体的です。「特別な趣味はない」と伝えています。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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