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日本の旅行に来たっぽい人に、言う言葉 Where are you planing to go in Japan ?で通じますか?
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2016/02/19 06:00
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  • Where are you planning to visit in Japan?

  • Where do you plan to go in Japan?

Where are you planning to go in Japan? で通じますよ。でも少しぶっきらぼうな感じがするので、goをvisit にしてみましょうか。 Where are you planning to visit in Japan? 現在進行形は計画済みの未来を表しますので、 where are you visiting in Japan? あるいは Which city are you visiting in Japan? でも良いです。 What's your plan in Japan? where do you plan to go in Japan? などでも良いと思いますよ。
  • Where are you planning to go?

はい。それで十分通じます! もし、同じことを短く伝えたいのであれば、Where are you planning to go?というように省略をすることが出来ます。 なぜなら日本国内で会っているので、in Japanとわざわざ入れなくても、そのまま通じます。 また、planning to…「。。を計画している/計画中」という意味になります。
  • Where do plan on going in Japan?

  • Which places in Japan would you like to visit.

"Where do plan on going in Japan?" This means you are asking for which specific place they plan to visit in Japan. It could be a town or city. "Which places in Japan would you like to visit." This means you are asking if they have scenic places they would like to visit.
"Where do plan on going in Japan?" これは日本で特にどこを訪れたいかを尋ねています。町や都市が挙げられます。 "Which places in Japan would you like to visit." これはどこか景色の良い場所で行きたいところがあるかどうかを尋ねています。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Where do you plan to go in Japan?

  • What's the itinery for your trip?

  • Where will you be based and what day trips are you planning to take in Japan?

Any of these queries is adequate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What is your itinerary like? Where do you go from here?

  • Which place are you going to visit next in Japan?

  • Which place do you plan to visit next in Japan?

Organized travelers, especially business travelers, will always have a planned route or itinerary to take. So, after visiting one particular place, the next place to visit will always be known because it will be documented on the itinerary. So, after visiting point 'A' point 'B' will always be known and after point 'B' point 'C' will always be known and so on and so forth. So, you may ask: What is your itinerary like? Where do you go from here? or Which place are you going to visit next in Japan? or Which place do you plan to visit next in Japan?
特に出張などの計画的な旅行者には、常に計画ルートまたは旅程があります。ある場所の訪問を終えたあとの、目的地は旅程に書いてあるので明確です。Aを訪れた後はB、Bを訪れたあとはCという具合です。 ですのでこのように尋ねることができるでしょう。 What is your itinerary like? Where do you go from here? (あなたの旅程はどうなっていますか?次はどこに行かれるのですか?) Which place are you going to visit next in Japan? (次は日本のどこを訪れるつもりですか?) Which place do you plan to visit next in Japan? (次は日本のどこに行く予定ですか?)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Where are you planning to go?

  • What's your itinerary?

  • Do you know where you're going to visit?

Itinerary is a specific organised trip, the other questions could be used for a less exact plan of travel.
itinerary は特定のツアーのことで、その他の質問は予定があまりはっきりしていない旅行に対して聞く時に使います。
Selina M DMM英会話講師
  • Where are you planning to visit while in Japan?

  • Where in Japan are you going?

  • Do you have any plans while in Japan?

Plan - pre-scheduled list of places to go and things to see. I plan to go to Tokyo and Kyoto. I also want to see some temples. Do you have any plans? This is a more open question. No I don't have any plans yet. or Yes, there are loads of places I want to visit.
Plan - 行く予定の場所や見る予定のもの 例: I plan to go to Tokyo and Kyoto. I also want to see some temples. (東京と京都に行く予定です。神社も見たいと思っています) Do you have any plans?(予定はありますか) →これはよりオープンな(自由に回答できる)質問です。 回答例: No I don't have any plans yet.(いいえ、まだ予定はありません) あるいは Yes, there are loads of places I want to visit.(はい、行きたい場所がたくさんあります)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Where are you planning to go in Japan?

  • Where do you plan on visiting?

  • Where are you going to go?

ご質問ありがとうございます。 Where are you planning to go in Japan? Where do you plan on visiting? Where are you going to go? 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 plan はここでは「予定する」というニュアンスの英語表現です。 ご提案いただいた英文はもちろんOKです。 お役に立ちましたでしょうか? 英語学習頑張ってくださいね!
  • Where are you headed when you come to Japan.

  • What are you travel plans when you visit Japan?

  • What is on your travel itinerary.

These are various ways in which you can ask about a person's travel plans. The first sentence is very informal. It is a more hip way of simply asking where you are going.
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • "When you go to Japan, what places do you plan to go to?"

  • "When you visit Japan, where do you want to travel too?"

  • "What are you planning to do when you go to Japan?"

If you wanted to ask someone who is traveling to Japan where they plan to go, you could ask any of the following: "When you go to Japan, what places do you plan to go to?", "When you visit Japan, where do you want to travel too?" or "What are you planning to do when you go to Japan?".
日本に旅行に行く人に日本のどこに行くのか質問したいということですね。次のように言えます。 "When you go to Japan, what places do you plan to go to?"(日本に行ったら、どこを訪れる予定ですか) "When you visit Japan, where do you want to travel too?"(日本に行ったら、どこを訪れたいですか) "What are you planning to do when you go to Japan?"(日本に行ったら、何をする予定ですか)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Where do you plan to go when you visit Japan?

  • What sites are you going to visit when you go to Japan?

If you would like to ask someone where they plan on visiting in Japan, you can say something like "Where do you plan to go when you visit Japan?" or "What sites are you going to visit when you go to Japan?".
「日本ではどこに行く予定ですか」は、次のように言えます。 "Where do you plan to go when you visit Japan?" "What sites are you going to visit when you go to Japan?" (日本ではどこに行く予定ですか)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Where are you planning to go?

  • What are your plans for your trip in Japan?

Where are you planning to go? どこに行く予定ですか? What are your plans for your trip in Japan? 日本旅行の予定はどんな感じですか? 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 plans で「予定」を英語で表すことができます。 お役に立てればうれしいです。
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