世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2018/05/24 14:42
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  • You can add a drink for an extra 200 yen to your food order.

  • Add a drink for 200 yen to your food order.

英語圏のメニューにおいて、例えば「1ドルでドリンクが(セットとして)追加できます」といった内容は、Add a drink for $1.00. といった表記で表すのが最も一般的です。この場合、特にセットという英語を用いなくても大丈夫です。

このよく使われる文章に、「プラス200円で」「食べ物とのセットで」という要素を確実に加えたのが例文になります。add A to B「 BにAを追加する」という文章の構成になります。

英語圏のメニューでは文頭の You can は省略していることがほとんどですが、もしメニュー欄にスペースがあるならば、You can から始めた方がより丁寧に(日本的に)伝わるかもしれません。もし文字スペースが足りない場合は、2番目の例文でも英語話者には全く問題なく同じ意図が伝わります。

Kana S 英会話講師
  • For only 200 yen extra, add a drink to your meal order.

  • With every meal, you can add a drink for only 200 yen extra.

  • Add a drink to your meal order for only 200 yen more.

You need to be clear in your sentence that the reduced price is only available to those who have also ordered a meal. Therefore, any sentence you choose should also refer to the meal. This reduces the likelihood of confusion, or of a customer getting angry with your waiting staff.



Sanndy S DMM英会話講師
  • For an extra 200 yen, you can add a drink to your order.

  • You may purchase a drink for 200 yen when added to your order.

  • Drinks cost 200 yen when added to your food order.

"For an extra 200 yen, you can add a drink to your order." This sentence informs the customers that they are given a discount for including a drink to their food order.

"You may purchase a drink for 200 yen when added to your order." This sentence informs the customers that they can buy a drink for 200 yen when they include it in their food order.

"Drinks cost 200 yen when added to your food order." This sentence informs the customer that they are given a fixed price for the drink when they include it in their food order.

"For an extra 200 yen, you can add a drink to your order."(プラス200円で、飲み物を追加できます)
= この文では、「食べ物の注文に飲み物を追加すると割引が受けられる」と伝えています。

"You may purchase a drink for 200 yen when added to your order."(飲み物は注文に追加すると200円で買うことができます)
= この文では、「飲み物は食べ物の注文に追加すると200円で買うことができる」と伝えています。

"Drinks cost 200 yen when added to your food order."(飲み物は食べ物の注文に追加すると200円で買うことができます)
= この文では、「飲み物は、食べ物の注文に加えると、一律の値段になる」と伝えています。

Dyami DMM英会話講師
  • Order a meal and get the drink for only 200 yen.

  • Drinks are only 200 yen when added to your order.

  • If you order a meal you can get the drink for only 200 yen.

Order a meal and get the drink for only 200 yen.
Drinks are only 200 yen when added to your order.
If you order a meal you can get the drink for only 200 yen.
For only 200 yen you can add a drink to your meal.
Special. Get a drink for only 200 yen when you order a meal.

Order a meal and get the drink for only 200 yen.

Drinks are only 200 yen when added to your order.

If you order a meal you can get the drink for only 200 yen.

For only 200 yen you can add a drink to your meal.

Special. Get a drink for only 200 yen when you order a meal.

Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • For an extra 200 yen, you can add a drink to your food order.

  • Add a drink to your food order for an extra 200 yen.

  • Drinks cost 200 yen when ordered with food.

  1. "For an extra 200 yen, you can add a drink to your food order"

    By adding the price at the beginning of the sentence, patrons will be able to instantly tell how much it will cost for additional menu items. It is a good idea to list the price before anything else as it emphasises the cost of additional items.

    1. "Add a drink to your food order for an extra 200 yen"

    This means the same thing as the first example sentence. However, the customer would have to read the whole sentence before seeing the price which can make the menu seem slightly convoluted. The placement of pricing is less important when talking to a customer as all they have to do is listen to you!

    1. "Drinks cost 200 yen when ordered with food"

    This has the same meaning as the first example sentence but it is shorter and more succinct which makes it ideal for adding to a menu.

  1. "For an extra 200 yen, you can add a drink to your food order"(プラス200円で、食べ物のオーダーにドリンクを追加できます)


  1. "Add a drink to your food order for an extra 200 yen"(プラス200円で、食べ物のオーダーにドリンクを追加できます)


  1. "Drinks cost 200 yen when ordered with food"(ドリンクは食べ物と一緒に注文すると200円になります)


Liam F DMM英会話講師
  • For an extra 200 yen, why not add a drink to your food order?

  • You can add a drink to your food order for only an extra 200 yen!

For an extra 200 yen, why not add a drink to your food order?

This is a great little sentence to really invite the customer to add the drink to their order. It's inviting and friendly, as well as having a clear message.

You can add a drink to your food order for only an extra 200 yen!

This is a very clear way of putting the sentence together and really tries to pull the costumer in to try this great deal.

For an extra 200 yen, why not add a drink to your food order?(プラス200円で、食べ物の注文にドリンクを追加しませんか)


You can add a drink to your food order for only an extra 200 yen!(たった200円追加するだけで、食べ物の注文にドリンクを付けられます)


Anastasia DMM英会話講師
  • You can add a drink to your food order for an extra 200 yen

  • Add a drink for an extra 200 yen on your food order

if you get something extra as well as something else then you are said to add it on so if you are adding a drink on it would cost more money so this is said to be 'extra' as you need to pay extra money
by saying 'to your food order' you are explainng you need to have ordered food


飲み物を注文に加えると、「追加」で料金がかかります。これは 'extra'(追加の)で表せます。

'to your food order' は、食べ物を注文していなければならないことを表します。

Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • If you order a drink with your meal it will cost you 200 yen more.

  • With a drink you will pay 200 yen extra with your meal.

  • To add a drink will cost you an extra 200 yen.

You can add a drink to a food order for 200 yen means that if you want to order a drink alongside your meal you will have to pay an extra 200 yen for the drink.

"You can add a drink to a food order for 200 yen"(200円で食べ物に飲み物を追加できます)は「食べ物と一緒に飲み物を注文すると飲み物に200円支払わないといけない」という意味です。

Nicole Le DMM英会話講師
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