「① Ramen noodles in pork broth soup」が「豚骨ラーメン」です。
しかし、海外ではラーメンのことは「Chinese noodles」と言います。それでも、最近日本食がブームしているから「Ramen」でも伝わるようになっています。
「ここのラーメン屋さんのおすすめはとんこつ醤油ラーメンだよ」を英語言うには、「This restaurant is known for its ramen noodles in pork broth soy sauce soup is the house 」。おすすめというよりも、「known for」、「〜〜が有名だよ」と言うことに、より自然に質問者様のニュアンスが伝わります。
We can describe noodles in a few different ways, depending on how they are cooked, prepared and the ingredients
In this case, the ingredients determine the name. Tonkotsu (pork) Ramen (Noodles with Miso and Soy Sauce)
The word heavy can be used to describe the taste, this means that the taste is strong, powerful, very salty, or very sweet.
We could also use the words strong, and the actual taste itself for example "It's strong, and very salty" or "It's really heavy, very sweet" but we don't always have to use the word heavy. "Rich" is another term we can use that is similar to heavy, but it's usually used when something is very sweet.
質問者様の例では、成分で名前が決まります。Tonkotsu (pork) Ramen (Noodles with Miso and Soy Sauce)(豚骨ラーメン、みそとしょうゆスープの麺)
strongという単語を使うこともでき、実際の味自体は、例えば"It's strong, and very salty"(強くてとても塩辛い)あるいは"It's really heavy, very sweet"(強くてとても甘い)と言い、必ずしもheavyという単語は使いません。
You would like to know how to explain Japanese "tonkotsu shoyu ramen"? In that case, you can try one of the above-suggested example sentences which may be appropriate for any given situation. There are always a variety of ways to respond to someone or make a comment - depending on the context and other factors such as nationality, appropriacy and body language.
"I just love Tonkotsu soy sauce Ramen!"
"Me too!"
Tonkotsu Shoyu Ramen - We usually don't change the names of specialty dishes from other countries
e.g. a croissant is the same as the French name... in English, it is croissant, etc.
Ramen noodle soup in pork broth - if you want to explain the ingredients and taste to someone who is unfamiliar with Japanese food, you can say something like this.
Tonkotsu Shoyu Ramen
- 他の国の料理の名前は基本的には変えません。
a croissant(クロワッサン)はフランス語と同じです。
Ramen noodle soup in pork broth
- もし日本料理にあまり詳しくない人に材料や味を説明したいのであればこのようにいうことができます。
Tonkotsu Shoyu Ramen
It's okay to use the original name of the dish and then you can explain the ingredients or how it is prepared.There is no expectation for you to translate a speciality dish.
Ramen noodles in pork broth soup
This is the simplest way to directly translate the dish,
Tonkotsu ramen, or pork ramen, is a dish, or soup whose ingredients include pork, soy, pork broth (broth is a liquid juice), and noodles. You could call it a pork ramen soup. I would still call it Tonkotsu Ramen, since names, including names of food, are usually not changed, but it is perfectly acceptable in America, and when you want to explain this to someone.