世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




この世のものとは思えないぐらい、かわいくてかわいくて仕方がなく、人間をはるかに越した可愛さがある人に言いたいです。 その彼は地球上の生物とは思えないぐらいかわいいので
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2018/06/01 14:50
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  • Wnich planet are you from?

Yuichi I 永遠の英語道探求者
  • Did you fall from heaven?

  • Were you created or crafted?

When someone is very attractive and you want to compliment them, you can say: Did you fall from heaven? This implies they are from heaven and they are an angel. You can also say: Were you created or crafted? This means were they made especially or are they are actually a human being. These are nice phrases that can be used by men or women for each other. I hope that helps!
すごく魅力的な人がいて褒めたいなら: Did you fall from heaven?(天から来たの?) ↑天からやって来た天使のよう、というニュアンスです。 ほかに: Were you created or crafted?(あなたはつくられた人なの?) ↑つくられた人なのか、本当に人間なのか、という意味です。 二つとも、男女どちらでも使えますし、どちらに対して使えます。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Which planet are you from?

  • Where did you come from?

Both of these phrases are jokes about the person being from 'out of this world' because they are so beautiful/cute/amazing. They may be jokes but they are also really flattering to hear, so use them a lot to make people smile!
どちらの回答例も、相手がきれいすぎる/かわいすぎる/素晴らしすぎるので「どこの惑星からきたの?」という事を冗談半分に聞くとができます。 冗談交じりですが、言われた相手は喜ぶはずなので色々な人に対して使ってみんなを笑顔にしましょう!
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Is your planet full of angels?

  • Where is planet Angel?

  • You are too wonderful to be of this earth!

Well, you wish to compliment this person by alluding to your imaginary idea that this person originates from another planet - because they are so much more wonderful than any one mere mortal!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You are too beautiful to be human!

This is a compliment that you can use to describe their sheer perfection and that it is possible that they could not be from Earth. It is best to do this rather than asking them if they are from another planet because it could be misinterpreted as a bad thing. You do want to note that this is a very direct way to speak with someone that you are interested in. I hope that this helps :)
これは褒め言葉です。その人の完璧さについて、地球人でないほどと表しています。 別の惑星から来たのかと尋ねると悪い意味と誤解される可能性があるので、例文のように言うのがベストです。ただ、これは関心のある人に対して言う、すごく直接的な表現だということは押さえておいてください。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Which planet are you from?

  • Where do you come from?

When someone is really amazing or special then you might not think they are human in a joking way so you might ask 'which planet are you from?' or 'where do you come from?' these would be a joking way of telling them they are wonderful
ある人がとても素晴らしく、特別で人間とは思えないことを冗談のように言いたいときは、 'which planet are you from?' (どの惑星から来たの?)  'where do you come from?' (どこから来たの?) と言うのがぴったりでしょう。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "Which planet did you fall from."

If you met someone who was so cute, that you couldn't believe it, you could say to them, "Which planet did you fall from." This implies that this person is not of this world; they came from another planet; they are other-worldly (not of this world: Earth). You are paying them a great compliment, even though you haven't intentionally said how beautiful you find them. They will totally know what you mean.
信じられないくらいかわいい人に出会ったら、"Which planet did you fall from."(どこの星から来たの)と言えます。これは「この世のものではない」「別の星からやって来た」という意味合いです。「美しい」という言葉を使わず、相手を絶賛しています。意味は間違いなく伝わります。
Stephen P DMM英会話講師
  • You beauty is unearthly.

  • You possess such unearthly beauty.

  • Which planet are you from because you are so unearthly!

When you want to tell someone they are so beautiful they don't look like anyone you have ever seen you can tell them they are unearthly, this means that they do not originate from Earth or some or all parts of them are not human. Unearthly: not of planet Earth.
「あなたのように美しい人は見たことがない」と伝えたいなら、'unearthly' という言葉が使えます。'unearthly' は「地球の出身でない/人間離れしている」を表します。 Unearthly: 地球のものでない
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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