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2016/02/21 11:34
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  • ① Early-bloom cherry blossoms

  • ② Late-bloom cherry blossoms

  • ③ Early bloomer

まず、「桜」は「cherry blossom」と言います。 従って、早く咲く桜は「① Early-bloom cherry blossoms」です。 同じく、遅く咲く桜は「② Late-bloom cherry blossoms」。 関連性があるので付け加えますが、人生に例えるとピークへ達するのが早い人、遅い人がいますよね。これは花に例えて、「③ Early bloomer」と言います。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • early blooming sakura

  • early blooming cherry blossoms

早咲きは early blooming と言います。 桜は cherry blossom が英訳ですが、日本の「サクラ」という言葉も広く知られるようになってきています。 その美しさがメインだと思いますが、海外でも人気の漫画「ナルト」の登場人物の名前であることも影響しているかもしれないですね。 例: These are some early blooming cherry blossoms. こちらは早咲きの桜です。 sakura cherry blossoms のように組み合わせても良いでしょう。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Early blossoming of the cherry trees

  • Unusually early blossom

"Wow, look at thosecherry trees over there! Three of them are in full bloom and the other trees have no blossom at all!" "Yes, they have unusually early blossom..maybe the trees are situated over a sewer or something like that!" "Yes, maybe..I have witnessed early blossoming of the trees before..but never this early!"
"Wow, look at those cherry trees over there! Three of them are in full bloom and the other trees have no blossom at all!" あの桜の木をみてごらんよ。3本だけ満開なのに他のはまったく花咲いてない。 "Yes, they have unusually early blossom..maybe the trees are situated over a sewer or something like that!" まれにみる早咲きだねえ。下水道の近くだからあったたかったのかな? "Yes, maybe..I have witnessed early blossoming of the trees before..but never this early!" うん、そうかも。早咲きの桜は前もあったけど、こんなに早いのは初めてだよ。 early blossoming/early blossom=早咲き
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Early blooming cherry blossoms/sakura.

  • Late blooming Cherry blossoms/ sakura.

  • Early bloomer.

"Early blooming cherry blossoms/Sakura." This explains that the tree blooms early. "Late blooming Cherry blossoms/ sakura. This explains that the tree blooms later. "Early bloomer." Is a term used to explain something that blooms earlier than other things.
Early blooming cherry blossoms/Sakura. 早く咲いたということを説明しています。 Late blooming Cherry blossoms/ sakura. 遅く咲いたということを説明しています。 Early bloomer. 他のものより早く咲いたということを説明するために使われる用語です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Early blooming..

  • The cherry blossom trees near us always seem to bloom early...well before the others

Good fertiliser or better soil or a good water supply can each have a positive effect on how a plant grows and blooms.. .In some areas...cherry blossoms will become "early bloomers"...and show their beautiful flowers, long before their neighbours;-)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • The cherry blossoms are blooming early.

  • The cherry blossoms are blooming late.

You can say : The cherry blossoms are blooming early. The cherry blossoms are blooming late. When you say "the cherry blossoms are blooming early" it means they start before the time. When you say "the cherry blossoms are blooming late" it means they start later than usual.
以下のように言うことができます: The cherry blossoms are blooming early. The cherry blossoms are blooming late. 「The cherry blossoms are blooming early」は、桜がいつもよりも早く咲き始めたことを表します。 「The cherry blossoms are blooming late」は、桜がいつもよりも遅れて咲き始めたことを表します。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Early blooming

  • Early-flowering

"Early blooming " or "early-flowering " are two phrases you can use to describe cherry blossoms that have bloomed before the usual times.Another word we often use is "to blossom" and this has a similar meaning to "flowering" or "blooming".Here are a few examples of how we could use these phrases: -The cherry blossoms have bloomed early this year. -The cherry blossoms have flowered earlier than usual this year.
"Early blooming " または "early-flowering " は、例年よりも桜が早く咲くときに使える表現です。 開花するという意味の "to blossom" もよく使います。 "flowering" や "blooming"も同じ意味になります。 例: -The cherry blossoms have bloomed early this year. 桜は今年は早く咲いた。 -The cherry blossoms have flowered earlier than usual this year. 桜が今年はいつもより早く咲いた。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Early-blooming cherry blossoms.

  • Last-blooming cherry blossoms.

If they were to bloom early then we would say that they are, "early-blooming," cherry blossoms or any other type of flower or plant they are. The opposite of this would be to say that they are, "late-blooming."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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