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 冬の寒い日、駅前(外)で誰かと待ち合わせしてて、ちょっと遅れてしまった場面。Sorry, you had to wait so cold. で可?
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2018/06/02 11:56
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  • Sorry to keep you waiting in the cold!

  • I’m so sorry for having you wait in the cold!

❶Sorry to keep you waiting in the cold! (寒い中、待たせてごめん!) この言い方は友達や親しい人なら大丈夫です。 I’m sorry to keep you waiting in the cold. これは丁寧な言い方です。 ❷I’m so sorry for having you wait in the cold! (寒い中、待ってもらって本当に ごめんなさい!) こちらの言い方も丁寧です。
  • Sorry for keeping you waiitng in the cold

  • Sorry to keep you waiting in the cold

If someone is hanging around for you to come then they are said to be 'waiting' or to 'wait' if you want to apologise then the polite way is to simply say 'sorry''in the cold' suggests what the weather is like outside
人かやってくるのを待つことは 'waiting' や 'to wait' で表せます。 人に謝るときの丁寧な言い方は 'sorry' です。 'in the cold'(寒い中)は、その時の天候を表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry to make you wait in the cold

  • sorry to keep you waiting in the cold

"Sorry to make you wait in the cold" This is a polite way of expressing this, by starting the sentence with an apology, 'sorry'. To 'Wait' is the term used when you or someone is to stay or delayed in one place until moving or leaving. "sorry to keep you waiting in the cold" These expressions 'To make you' and 'To keep you' are very similar phrases, they imply you had made someone 'wait' for you.
"Sorry to make you wait in the cold" (寒い中待たせてごめんなさい) これは、 'sorry'(ごめんなさい)と始めることで、丁寧な表現となります。   'Wait'は、その場所を動く、去るまでいるときに使う言葉です。  "sorry to keep you waiting in the cold" (寒い中待たせてごめんなさい)  'To make you' や 'To keep you' という表現は、とてもよく似ていて、相手に何かを指せるという意味になります。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I'm so sorry you had to wait in the cold for me.

  • It's cold and I did not mean to keep you waiting so long.

  • I really did not mean to keep you waiting, especially in the cold.

I'm so sorry you had to wait in the cold for me. It's cold and I did not mean to keep you waiting so long. I really did not mean to keep you waiting, especially in the cold. I am really sorry you had to wait in the cold for me. I did not mean to keep you waiting. I am truly sorry.
I'm so sorry you had to wait in the cold for me. (寒い中外で待たせて本当にすみません。) It's cold and I did not mean to keep you waiting so long. (寒いのに、そんなに待たせるつもりではありませんでした。) I really did not mean to keep you waiting, especially in the cold. (寒い中待たせるつもりはありませんでした。) I am really sorry you had to wait in the cold for me. (寒い中外で待たせて本当にすみません。)  I did not mean to keep you waiting. I am truly sorry. (待たせるつもりはありませんでした。本当にすみません。)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Sorry for making you wait in the cold

  • I'm so sorry for keeping you in the cold

  • I'm sorry you had to wait in the cold

It is always polite to apologise for making someone wait for you when you are late and they are on time for a meeting, especially if they stood outside in the cold. You can apologise by saying 'I am sorry, apologies, I'm sorry, please accept my apologies (more formal)' There are also several verbs to use to convey that they had to wait in the cold such as 'keeping (someone) in the cold', 'making (someone) wait in the cold' these imply that it was not their fault that they waited in the cold
こちらが遅れて相手を待たせてしまったなら、やはり謝るのが礼儀です。外の寒い中待たせてしまったならなおさらです。 謝るときには、次の表現が使えます。 'I am sorry' 'apologies' 'I'm sorry' 'please accept my apologies'(フォーマルな言い方) 「申し訳ありません」 「寒い中待たせてしまった」には、いくつかの動詞が使えます。 例えば: 'keeping (someone) in the cold' 'making (someone) wait in the cold' これらは、寒い中待つことになったのは「相手の落ち度ではない」というニュアンスです。
Harriet R DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry to keep you waiting in the cold!

  • I'm so sorry to keep you waiting.

  • Sorry you had to wait in the cold!

It is always polite to apologize to someone if you have kept them waiting. You can do this with any of the following sentences. -I'm so sorry to keep you waiting in the cold. -I'm so sorry you had to wait in the cold for me. -Sorry to keep you waiting! Especially in this cold! -Sorry to keep you waiting in the cold! -I'm so sorry to keep you waiting.
人を待たせてしまったときには謝るのが礼儀です。例えば、次のように言えます。 -I'm so sorry to keep you waiting in the cold.(寒い中待たせてしまってごめんなさい) -I'm so sorry you had to wait in the cold for me.(寒い中待たせてしまってごめんなさい) -Sorry to keep you waiting! Especially in this cold!(待たせてしまってごめんなさい。こんなに寒いのに) -Sorry to keep you waiting in the cold!(寒い中待たせてしまってごめんなさい) -I'm so sorry to keep you waiting.(待たせてしまってごめんなさい)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • I apologize to keep you waiting in the cold.

  • Please accept my apology to keep you waiting in the cold.

"I apologize to keep you waiting in the cold" and "Please accept my apology to keep you waiting in the cold" are more formal ways to say this same statement. Using the word "apology" or "apologize" adds more class and sincerity especially if you are saying it to upper class people.
"I apologize to keep you waiting in the cold"(寒い中待たせてしまい申し訳ありませんでした) と、 "Please accept my apology to keep you waiting in the cold"(寒い中待たせてしまい申し訳ありませんでした) は、フォーマルな言い方です。 "apology" または "apologize" は上品さと誠実さを加えます、相手が上流階級の人なら特にです。
Bryn DMM英語講師
  • Sorry I kept you waiting in the cold.

  • Sorry for keeping you waiting in the cold so long.

  • I didn't mean to keep you waiting in the cold, I am sorry.

It is good to apologize when we make others uncomfortable in any way. If you mistakenly leave someone waiting outside for a long time it can make the other person feel ignored, apologizing will help alleviate that. "I truly apologize for keeping you waiting in this cold, please forgive me." "I didn't realize you were outside, so sorry I kept you waiting so long." Alleviate: make lighter, decrease Apologize: to express regret at something you did wrong
どんな形であれ相手に迷惑をかけたときには謝るのがいいですね。 間違って誰かを外に長い間待たせてしまったなら、相手は無視されたと感じるかもしれません。謝ることでその気持ちを少し和らげることができます。 "I truly apologize for keeping you waiting in this cold, please forgive me."(寒い中待たせてしまって本当に申し訳ありませんでした。お許しください) "I didn't realize you were outside, so sorry I kept you waiting so long."(外にいると気付きませんでした。長くお待たせして申し訳ありませんでした。) Alleviate: 和らげる/少なくする Apologize: 自分のした間違いについて後悔を表す
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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