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保育園のお迎えから帰ると、お風呂や料理、あれやこれややらなくちゃいけないので仕事よりも何気に一番忙しい といったニュアンスで伝えたいです
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2018/06/05 17:48
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  • I’m busy with housework.

I’m busy with housework. 「家事で忙しい。」 家事は、houseworkと言います。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • I am busy doing my household chores.

  • I am busy doing my chores.

  • I am too occupied with my household chores.

"I am busy doing my household chores". The word busy is explaining how the person has a great amount of work that keeps them occupied to the extent that he/she cannot do anything else other than the task that they are engaged in at that moment. The word "chores" can be used to refer to housework which is the work that you do around a house, for example cleaning, cooking, and washing clothes. "I am busy doing my chores" This is a very basic and direct way of saying that you are busy with your housework. "I am too occupied with my household chores". This a another way of saying you have no time to do anything else other than housework and that you are unavailable.
"I am busy doing my household chores".(家事で忙しい) "busy" は、たくさんの仕事を抱えていて他のことができない状態をいいます。 "chores" は、例えば掃除・料理・洗濯など家事を表します。 ---- "I am busy doing my chores"(家事で忙しい) これは「家事で忙しい」と伝える非常にベーシックで単刀直入な言い方です。 ---- "I am too occupied with my household chores".(家事で忙しすぎる) これも、家事に忙しく手が空いていないことを伝える言い方です。
Radda DMM英会話講師
  • I've got a ton of housework!

  • I've got a lot of housework to do.

  • I'm super busy with housework.

"I've got a ton of housework!" "A ton" is a common phrase to say a large amount of something. This is an informal way to say you have a lot of chores or things to do to clean your home. "I've got a lot of housework to do." This is a very simple and straightforward way of saying you are busy with housework. "I'm super busy with housework." This phrase implies that you have no time to do anything else but clean and do housework. It is informal, something you might say to a friend or family member, especially if they invite you to something.
"I've got a ton of housework!"(家事が山のようにある) "A ton" は「大量の」という意味で、よく使われるフレーズです。これは「家事がたくさんある」と伝えるインフォーマルな言い方です。 ---- "I've got a lot of housework to do."(やらないといけない家事がたくさんある) これは「家事で忙しい」と伝えるシンプルで単刀直入な言い方です。 ---- "I'm super busy with housework."(家事ですごく忙しい) これは家事以外のことをする時間がないというニュアンスです。友達や家族に、特に何かに誘われたときに使えるインフォーマルな言い方です。
Elanor DMM英会話講師
  • I'm busy doing chores

  • I'm busy doing housework

  • I have housework to do

The word 'chores' means jobs to do around the house. This is the definition of 'housework'. Things like cleaning, tidying and cooking can fall under this category. You could say 'I'm busy doing housework', as 'doing' implies something happening now. You could say 'I'm busy doing chores' or simply 'I have housework to do'.
chores' は「家でする仕事」という意味です。これは 'housework' の定義です。掃除・片付け・料理などがここに分類されます。 'I'm busy doing housework'(家事で忙しい)と言うことができます。'doing' と言うと「今起きている」というニュアンスになります。 'I'm busy doing chores'(家事で忙しい)あるいはシンプルに 'I have housework to do'(家事をやらないといけない)と言うこともできます。
Ben Mo DMM英会話講師
  • I am absolutely swamped with housework

  • The housework will take up all my time today

Swamped' is a colloquial way of describing how overwhelmed with an excessive amount of something you are. By referring to the amount of time it will take you to do the housework, you are emphasising that there is a lot of it.
Swamped' は「非常に忙しい」の口語的な言い方です。 家事に取られる時間に言及することで、その量の多さを強調しています。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • I'm doing chores.

  • I have to clean the house.

  • I don't have time because I have chores to do.

A very common word used for household work is "chores" "Chore" - a routine task, especially a household one. For instance, many children have to do "chores" around the house for their parents. This my include taking out the trash, mowing the lawn, doing the dishes, vacuuming, etc.
"chores" は家事を表す非常に一般的な言葉です。 "Chore" - 日常の仕事、特に家事 例えば、多くの子どもは親に代わって家で "chores" をしなければなりません。それには例えば、ゴミ出し・芝刈り・皿洗い・掃除機をかけることなどが含まれます。
Zachary S DMM英会話講師
  • My chores at home are pilling up.

  • I have loads of housework to do.

  • I won't be able to take you shopping because I'm doing housework now.

The word "chores" can be used to refer to housework. The term "pilling up" is a good way to express that there is a lot to be done, therefore, keeping one busy. "Loads of housework" is a good expression to use to impress on someone that there is a lot to be done. It indicates that one will be busy for a while. Another way for someone to imply that he/she is busy is to simply explain that he/she cannot do what's being asked of him/her because he/she is doing something else at the moment.
"chores" で「家事」を表すことができます。"pilling up" は、やることがたくさんあって忙しいことを表す言い方です。 "loads of housework" は、やらないといけないことがたくさんあることを強調する言い方です。しばらくの間忙しいというニュアンスになります。 また、シンプルに「今〔他のこと〕をしているから〔頼まれたこと〕ができない」と説明しても、忙しいことが伝わります(→例3)。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
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