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先日姪っ子が生まれ、想像していた以上にしわあせを感じました。 I felt soooooo happyと、簡単な表現しか浮かばないのですが、想像以上にという表現を教えて頂けますでしょうか。
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ai satouさん
2018/06/10 10:43
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  • I knew I would be happy, but I didn't expect to be this happy!

  • I felt happier than I could have imagined.

"I knew I would be happy, but I didn't expect to be this happy" is a way of explaining that your feelings of happiness were greater than you first thought that they would be. "I felt happier than I could have imagined" suggests that you were happier than anticipated!
"I knew I would be happy, but I didn't expect to be this happy"は、自分が最初に思っていたよりもはるかにうれしいことを表す文です。    "I felt happier than I could have imagined" は、自分が想像していたよりもうれしいことを意味します。
Rorie S DMM英会話講師
  • I'm even happier than I thought.

I'm even happier than I thought. 「思っていたよりずっと幸せです。」 evenは比較級を強調することができます。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • I felt even happier than I thought I would

  • I didn't think I could feel this happy

If you have feelings in your head then these are called your 'thoughts' so you would say 'than I thought' or 'I didn't think' this means that you didn't think it would happen like that or your thoughts were different
頭の中に気持ちがあるなら、それは 'thoughts' といいます。ですから、 'than I thought'(思ったより)あるいは 'I didn't think'(思わなかった)と言えます。これは「そうなるとは思わなかった」や「思っていた事と違った」という意味を表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I'm so excited that my niece was born.

  • When my niece was born, I was over the moon.

  • I jumped for joy when my niece was born.

In the first sentence, "excited" shows a form of emotional energy. Emotional energy is what makes you feel the way you do when you see your niece. In the second sentence, you are expressing exactly the same as in the first sentence, but you are using a different expression. The third sentence has the same meaning as the first two, but it is just a different expression as to how you feel inside with your niece being born. In both sentences, you express how you feel about your niece being born, which is happy and excited. emotional - feelings expression - giving one's feelings over the moon - extremely happy jumped for joy - very happy / pleased
一つ目の文の "excited"(興奮した)は、"emotional energy"(感情的エネルギー)の一種です。 "emotional energy" とは、あなたがめいっ子を見たときの感情を引き起こすものです。 二つ目の文では、一つ目の文と全く同じことを言っていますが、異なる表現を使っています。 三つ目の文は一つ目と二つ目の文と同じ意味ですが、めいっ子が生まれたときの気持ちについて異なる表現を使っています。 これらどの文も、めいっ子が生まれたときの気持ち(喜びと興奮)を表しています。 emotional - 感情 expression - 感情を表す over the moon - 大喜びする jumped for joy - すごく喜ぶ
Anqia DMM英会話講師
  • I can't express how happy I am. It far exceeded my expectation.

  • I'm much happier than I imagined I would be.

You wish to express your happiness that your niece was born - you feel even happier than you thought you would.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I felt happier than I thought.

おっしゃられている内容は、シンプルに訳すと、 I felt happier than I thought. 「思ってたよりも幸せを感じた」 と言えます。 もっと強調する感じなら much happierやeven happierなど修飾語を付ければ、「思ってたよりもずっと幸せ」という感じになります。 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • I am so happy I feel like I am walking on air.

  • I just fell in love with my baby niece and feel ecstatic!

  • I didn't know I could feel this happy until I saw my baby niece.

I am so happy I feel like I am walking on air. I just fell in love with my baby niece and feel ecstatic! I didn't know I could feel this happy until I saw my baby niece. This baby makes me feel so much joy and happiness! I have never felt this much happiness before.
I am so happy I feel like I am walking on air.(うれしくて夢見心地です) I just fell in love with my baby niece and feel ecstatic!(めいっ子がすごくかわいくて夢中になっています) I didn't know I could feel this happy until I saw my baby niece.(めいっ子が生まれるまで、こんな幸せを感じられるなんて思いませんでした) This baby makes me feel so much joy and happiness!(この子といると本当に幸せな気持ちになります) I have never felt this much happiness before.(こんな幸せは感じたことがありません)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Happier than I thought

  • Didn't think I could be this happy

"Happier than I thought" and "Didn't think I could be this happy" are expressions that are stating that you are happier, feel better than once thought, this is often used in very happy occasion.
"Happier than I thought" (思っていた以上にうれしい)や"Didn't think I could be this happy"(こんなにうれしいとは思わなかった)は、自分が思っていたよりもうれしいと思うことで、何かがうれしいときによく使われます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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