世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/06/16 16:10
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  • Why do you ask me to go out so often?

ask=誘う go out=出かける Why do you ask me to go out so often? 直訳すると、「なぜあなたは私に頻繁に出かけに誘うの?」 になります。 きっと気があるからなのでしょうが、 上記の質問は、遠まわしな Are you interested in me? 「私に気があるの?」 という質問にもなりますから、お互いの関係性がはっきりできていいですね。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Rieko S 英語講師
  • Why would you invite me?

Well, to ask why someone is inviting you out for a meal or date, may seem a little unappreciative and direct but sometimes such questions need to be asked. If this person has previously ignored you or never included you in any activities previously, then it is a wonder why you should suddenly be the object of an invitation!
「なぜ食事や遊びに誘うの?」と聞くことは、少々直接的で、失礼に聞こえるかもしれませんが、このような質問をしないといけない場合もあるでしょう。 もし相手が今まであなたの事を無視していたり、遊びに誘ってくれなかったのに、突然誘われるようになった場合などは、なぜか気になりますよね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you, how come you've chosen to invite me?

To ask someone 'how come?' is to inquire as to why something is happening, for example: "How come this room is untidy?" "How come she never comes out anymore?"
how come?=なぜ~? 例 "How come this room is untidy?" ーなんでこの部屋は散らかっているの? "How come she never comes out anymore?" ーなんで彼女はもう外出しないの?
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you, but why are you asking me?

  • Thank you, but why do you want to go out with me?

  • Thank you, but what is the occasion?

It is polite to thank someone for their invitation, before asking questions. Maybe you are suspicious of their reason or motive for asking you to spend time with them, so you need to investigate more before you accept their invitation! Maybe they are just hungry and don't want to eat alone! When asking "What is the occasion?", you are asking if their is a special event or occasion that you are celebrating.
質問をする前に、誘ってくれたことに感謝することは礼儀正しいことです。 おそらく、あなたはその人が自分と過ごすのに誘ってくれた理由や目的を疑っているので、誘いを受ける前にもっと調査する必要があるのでしょう! おそらく、その人はただお腹が空いているだけか、1人で食べたくないだけかもしれません。   "What is the occasion?" 何のお祝い? これは、何かをお祝いする特別なイベントや行事があるのかどうか聞く方法です。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • Is there a reason in particular that you are inviting me?

This is a way to ask why the person is inviting you out without being too direct. Sometimes when you are too direct it can be perceived as rude so this is an effective way to ask so that they don't feel bad for inviting you out but also answer the question. I hope this helps :)
これは、直接的になりずぎずに、その人が自分を誘うのかを聞く方法です。 時に、直接的になりすぎると、失礼に捉えられるので、悪気がなく尋ねる効果的な方法です。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Why are you treating me to a meal?

  • What is the purpose of you treating me?

"Why are you treating me to a meal?" This is a polite way of asking the person why they are buying you food, typically at a nice restaurant. "What is the purpose of you treating me?" Purpose means significance, or meaning. Here you are asking them what is the meaning for them to treat you out. Treating means buying you a meal here or taking you on an outing (event or date-like thing). For example: my friend and I went out on an outing to the movies. Here outing refers to the movies.
"Why are you treating me to a meal?"(何で食事をごちそうしてくれるのですか) - これは、どうして食事をごちそうしてくれるのか丁寧に尋ねています。 "What is the purpose of you treating me?"(何で食事をごちそうしてくれるのですか) - "Purpose" は「意味」「目的」という意味です。"Treating" はここでは「食事をごちそうする」という意味ですが、他に「"Outing"(外出)に連れ出す」という意味もあります。 例えば: My friend and I went out on an outing to the movies.(友達と映画を見に行きました) ここでは、"Outing" は「映画館」を指します。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • Why are you inviting me?

  • Why are you asking me out?

  • I'd like to know why you'd like to go out to dinner with me

When someone asks you out to dinner and you want to find out the reasons for inviting you; then you may ask in the following ways: -Why are you inviting me? -Why are you asking me out? -I'd like to know why you'd like to go out to dinner with me
誰かに食事に誘われたときに、なぜ誘うのか理由を確認したいということなら、次のように言えます。 -Why are you inviting me?(なぜ私を誘うのですか) -Why are you asking me out?(なぜ私を誘うのですか) -I'd like to know why you'd like to go out to dinner with me(なぜ私と食事に行きたいのか理由を知りたいです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • How come you have invited me?

  • Why are you inviting me?

To ask somebody for the reason they have invited you, you can say: "How come you have invited me?" "Why are you inviting me?"
相手が自分を誘った理由を尋ねたいなら、次のように言えます。 "How come you have invited me?"(なぜ私を誘ったのですか) "Why are you inviting me?"(なぜ私を誘うのですか)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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