世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/06/18 00:53
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  • I will have a job interview tomorrow.

I will have a job interview tomorrow. 「明日は就職の面接があります。」 一般的にjob huntingが就活を表しますが、I will have a job interview for my job hunting tomorrow. のように、job hunting という言葉を入れる必要はありません。job interviewだけで、就活のために面接をするということは伝わります。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • Job interview

Job interview - "I had a job interview today." Something you did and it is now done. "I would like to schedule an interview." Planning to have an interview and stating that you need to make a time to do the interview. "I have an interview this afternoon." You will go to your interview today, you have not had the interview yet. You can change afternoon for morning, evening or month.
例: I had a job interview today. 今日、就職面接がありました。 I would like to schedule an interview. 面接を予定表に入れたいです。 面接を予定していて、面接の時間を作らなきゃならないということです。 I have an interview this afternoon. 今日の午後、面接があります。 まだ面接を終えてなくて、今日面接があるということです。午後の面接時間を変更することもできます。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I'm being interviewed for a position today

  • I have a job interview today

A job interview is an appointment with a prospective employer. To be interviewed for a job. "I was shortlisted for the position after my job interview."
「job interview」は、将来の雇用主と会う約束のことです。 仕事を求めてインタビューを受けること(To be interviewed for a job)。 例文 "I was shortlisted for the position after my job interview." 〔訳〕面接が受けて、その仕事の最終選考に残った
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Job interview

The term used to describe an interview for a job that you want is called "Job interview." EG: What are you doing tomorrow?- I have a job interview tomorrow morning.
仕事のための面接は、Job interviewと言います。 例: What are you doing tomorrow?- I have a job interview tomorrow morning. 明日は、何をするの?-明日の午前中は、就活面接があるの。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • interviewing

  • job interview

You can say that you are interviewing for a position. For example, "Tomorrow I'm interviewing for the position of Assistant Manager at my company. Wish me luck!" You can also refer to the occasion as a job interview. For example, "I have a job interview tomorrow with a company in Tokyo." I hope this helps :)
 interviewing for a position(仕事の面接にいく)ということができます。 例:  "Tomorrow I'm interviewing for the position of Assistant Manager at my company. Wish me luck!" 私の会社で、明日アシスタントマネージャーのポジションの面接をするんだ。うまくいくように願ってね! 面接のことを job interviewとも言います。 例: "I have a job interview tomorrow with a company in Tokyo." 明日東京の会社で面接があります。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I have a job interview tomorrow.

  • I have an interview for *insert company* tomorrow.

The most common way to say this is ''I have a job interview tomorrow.'' An ''Interview'' is when people from a company meet with someone who is applying for a job to ask them questions. Examples: I have an interview at 'X company' tomorrow. I have a job interview tomorrow. Tomorrow, I will be interviewed for the sales position.
最も一般的な言い方は: ''I have a job interview tomorrow.'' です。 「Interview」は、「面接(会社側が就職希望者と会って、話を聞く機会)」のことです。 例: I have an interview at 'X company' tomorrow.(明日「X社」で面接がある) I have a job interview tomorrow.(明日面接がある) Tomorrow, I will be interviewed for the sales position.(明日営業の面接がある)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Job Interview

  • Appointment for an interview

An interview A prospect job meeting A prospect job appointment
An interview(面接) A prospect job meeting(就職の面接) A prospect job appointment(就職の面接)
Joe Joe DMM英会話講師
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