世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/02/25 23:53
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  • Can you tell the difference between a Chinese person and a Japanese person?

  • Do you think you can tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese people?

Can you tell the difference between a Chinese person and a Japanese person? = 中国人と日本人を見分けられますか? Do you think you can tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese people? = 中国人と日本人の違いを見分けられると思いますか? 日本や中国に住んだ事ない人であれば、ほぼ不可だと心得ておいてショックを受けない体制でいましょう。ただし見た目では難しくても、中国人と日本人の英語のイントネーションと仕草などはは大分違うのでそう言うところで判断出来るかもしれません。
  • Can you tell the difference between Japanese people and Chinese people?

  • Can you tell the difference between the Japanese and the Chinese?

上記の例文はどちらも「日本人と中国人の区別がつきますか?」になります。 tell the difference が「区別する」ですね。 Japanese people and Chinese people とするとそのまま「日本人と中国人」、people を略して the を加えた the Japanese and the Chinese も意味は全く同じです。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • ① Can you tell the difference between Japanese and Chinese people?

「① Can you tell the difference between Japanese and Chinese people?」が「あなたは、日本人と中国人の区別がつきますか?」です。 「tell the difference」とは「区別できますか」に当たります。よく使うフレーズなので、「tell the difference」は覚えた上でアメリカへ行くのがいいと思います。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Can you recognise the difference between a Japanese person and a Chinese person?

  • Do you know the basic differences between Japanese and Chinese people?

It is an interesting question and many westerners are unable to state the differences or notice the difference between different nationalities because probably, they have never thought about making such a comparison before, or paid enough attention to mentally note the contrasting physiognomies. 'When it comes to the “windows of the soul”, the Japanese eyes are often described as angled upwards, contrary to the Chinese eyes which are usually angled downwards. Koreans often have smaller eyes.'
これは面白い質問ですね。 おそらく多くの西洋人は、国籍の違いに気づかないか、その違いをいうことはできないでしょう。 なぜならおそらく彼らはそんな比較を考えたことがないからか、そんな違いに注意を向けていないからです。目に限った話をすれば、日本人はつり目、中国人はタレ目、韓国人は目が小さい、とよく表現されますね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can you tell the difference?

You could simply say 'can you tell the difference?' if it is obvious what the two things are you are comparing. If it is not obvious, then add onto the end: "Can you tell the difference between Japanese and Chinese people?"
どの2つを比べているのか明確な場合には、シンプルに「can you tell the difference?」と言えます。 もし、どれを比べているか明らかではないときは、最後に付け足して「Can you tell the difference between Japanese and Chinese people?」と言えます。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Can you tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese people?

  • Have you noticed any differences between Chinese and Japanese people?

If you just want to know if someone can tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese people then you would ask "Can you tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese people?". This would lead to a yes or no answer. If you would like to know what differences someone has observed then you would ask "Have you noticed and differences between Chinese and Japanese people?" would allow someone to state any differences they have seen.
あなたが誰かが中国人と日本人を区別することができるかどうかを知りたいだけであれば”Can you tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese people?”(あなたは中国人と日本人の区別がつきますか)と尋ねます。 この質問はイエスかノーの答えにつながります。 どのような違いに気づいたのかを知りたい場合は”Have you noticed the differences between Chinese and Japanese people?”(中国人と日本人の違いに気づきましたか)と尋ねます。 これはその人が発見した違いについて話す余地を与えます。
Lou A DMM英会話講師
  • Can you tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese people?

  • Do you notice the difference between the Chinese and Japanese?

  • Can you notice the difference between Japanese and Chinese people?

examples "Can you notice the difference between Japanese and Chinese people?" or "Do you notice the difference between the Chinese and Japanese?" or "Can you tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese people?"
"Can you notice the difference between Japanese and Chinese people?" 日本人と中国人の違いがわかりますか?  "Do you notice the difference between the Chinese and Japanese?"  中国人と日本人の区別がつきますか? "Can you tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese people?" 中国人と日本人の違いがわかりますか?
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Can you tell the difference between a Japanese and Chinese person?

  • Can you recognize the difference between a Japanese and Chinese person?

  • Can you notice the difference between a Japanese and Chinese person?

We can use these two phrases interchangeably to ask this kind of question. We can either use the verbs, "to tell," "to recognize," or, "to notice," to all talk about acknowledging the differences between two different things such as the different between two nationalities.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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