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2019/08/17 23:39
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  • The depictions of Japan in movies are inaccurate.

こんにちは。質問ありがとうございます。 私もそう思うときがあります。 The depictions → 描き方 of Japan  → 日本の in movies → 映画の、映画で are inaccurate → おかしい、不正確だ。 「おかしい」はinaccurateと訳しました。accurateは「正確」という意味で、inaccurateはその否定形で、「不正確」というような意味です。 またの質問をお待ちしております。
  • Japan and its people are depicted in accurately in movies.

  • Movies don't get Japan or its people right.

  • The representation of Japan and its people is often poor in movies.

These phrases express that you aren't happy with the way movies show Japan and Japanese people. You could also say: Japan and China always seem the same in movies. Movies treat Japan and China like they're the same place. I wish Japanese people and Chinese people were less alike in movies.
Becky D DMM英会話講師
  • Sometimes Japan and its people are not depicted accurately in movies

Sometimes people can be very ignorant about the cultures and ways of countries that they are not familiar with. If we have an image of one country and we compare it with another, we tend to assume the two countries are alike in several ways. For example, people may think that the UK and Ireland are exactly the same, or the USA and Canada, but it's not true. To "depict" means to be portrayed or described in a certain way. So in this case, Japanese people are not described properly and are presumed to be the same as the Chinese. "Accurately" means in an exact way, or almost correct.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Japanese and Chinese cultures are often mistakenly confused in American movies.

  • Unlike popular opinion, Japanese and Chinese cultures and traditions are poles apart.

1. Japanese and Chinese cultures are often mistakenly confused in American movies. This means that movie makers mistakenly portray Japanese cultures and traditions as similar to those of the Chinese. 2. Unlike popular opinion, Japanese and Chinese cultures and traditions are poles apart. The phrase, "popular opinion" means what people commonly believe. "Poles apart"means that their cultures and traditions are as far apart as the south pole and the north pole.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • How Japan and Japanese people are portrayed in movies are inaccurate.

  • The depictions of Japan and Japanese people in movies are inaccurate.

  • Movies tend to give incorrect stereotypical ideas about Japan and its' people.

Here are three nice sentences that more or less all have the same meaning when talking about the sort of stereotyping that happens within movies. There are many different sentences that can be used to describe this phenomena, however they might all end up having a similar sentence structure and word usage to these.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • How American films portray Japanese people is inaccurate.

  • Most American films confuse Japanese and Chinese stereotypes.

  • American films show an incorrect image of how Japanese people actually are.

How American films portray Japanese people is inaccurate. Most American films confuse Japanese and Chinese stereotypes. American films show an incorrect image of how Japanese people actually are. When you want to explain to someone that American films show an incorrect image of Japanese people, you can use one of these three sentences. Personally, I would go for the third one, it is bit more wordy, however, it is the one I prefer and would use. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • stereotypical (adj)

  • inaccurate (adj)

  • How movies portray Japanese people is inaccurate/stereotypical.

-stereotypical (adj) This word describes things that are depicted as an oversimplified, but widely believed, version of something. Stereotypes are generally viewed as negative and wrong, so the listener will understand that you do not approve of the movie's version of the subject matter. EX) Movies only show a stereotypical version of Japanese people.
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • In movies, Japanese and Chinese steretypes are often confused - which seems werd

  • It comes across as strange when movies mix up stereotypical Japanese and Chinese characters

When talking about American movies. Sometimes, Japanese people are depicted as the same as Chinese people, or with an incorrect stereotypical image. It feels weird to some people because they act different from real Japanese people. You would like to explain this.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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