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2018/07/04 23:45
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  • Recently there have been many rainy days but today was sunny.

  • It was rainy for days but today is sunny.

"Recently there have been many rainy days but today was sunny." 「最近雨の日が多かったが、今日は晴れていた」直接の翻訳です。"rainy day"は「雨の日」で、"sunny"は「晴れ」に相当します。あと、"recently"は「最近」という意味です。 "It was rainy for days but today is sunny." 「何日間も雨の日が続いたが、今日は晴れている」"for days"は「長い間・何日間も」という意味を持っています。 <ボキャブラリー> recently = 最近 many = たくさん rainy day = 雨の日 for days = 何日間も sunny = 晴れている 参考になれば幸いです。
  • It's been raining a lot recently, but today was sunny.

  • We had a lot of rain these past few days, but it was sunny today.

Sometimes weather can be strange. It can change from one thing to another very quickly. If it was raining a lot the past few days and you want to mention that it was sunny today, you can use one of these expressions: 1) It's been raining a lot recently, but today was sunny. 2) We had a lot of rain these past few days, but it was sunny today.
時々、天気はおかしいですよね。 すぐに違う天気に変わったりします。 数日雨降りが続いていたのに、今日は晴れていることを表現したい場合は、 次のように言い表すことが出来ます。 【例】 1) It's been raining a lot recently, but today was sunny. (最近雨続きだったけど、今日は晴れでした) 2) We had a lot of rain these past few days, but it was sunny today. (数日雨が続いていたけど、今日はお天気でした)
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • It has been raining the past few days, but the weather is good now.

  • The bad weather has cleared up today.

  • The sun came out today.

When the weather has been bad and then it is sunny any of these answers can have the same meaning as "We had a lot of rain these few days, but it was sunny today." "The bad weather has cleared up today." - The phrase 'cleared up' means that the clouds have gone and the sky is clear. "The sun came out today." - This is a very common English saying and means that the sun has come out from behind the clouds and the rain has gone.
天気がずっと悪く、それから晴れたなら、これらの例は"We had a lot of rain these few days, but it was sunny today."(ここ最近はたくさん雨が降っていたが、今日は晴れた)と同じ意味で使うことができます。 "The bad weather has cleared up today." 悪い天気が今日は晴れた。  'cleared up' とは、雲がなくなって、空が晴れたという意味です。   "The sun came out today." 今日は太陽が出た。 これは、とても一般的な英語の言葉で、雲の後ろから太陽が出てきて、雨がやんだという意味です。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • The recent wet spell ended today.

  • Today's sun was in contrast to the rainfall of the passed few days,

If something is the opposite of, or totally different to something, then it is said to be 'in contrast' to that thing.
もし何かが正反対であったり、全く別のものの場合、その物に対して 'in contrast' (対照的に)ということができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The past couple of days it has been raining but today it was sunny.

The sentence above notes the fact that it had been rainy over the last couple of days and the contrast of the fact that today it was sunny. From there you can continue the conversation with your listener by talking about what the weather is normally like where you live this time of year. I hope that this helps :)
上記の文章では、ここ数日雨が降っていたということと、今日は晴れだったということを対照的に表しています。この後、普段はどんな天気なのかを伝えてもいいですね。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • It finally dried out a bit.

  • The sun is finally peaking out.

  • It rained all week, but it's sunny today.

When the weather "dries out" it means that it is no longer wet and implies sun. This is a casual, friendly response. When the sun "peaks out" it comes out from behind clouds and implies there has been a change in the weather. The last sentence is more explicit and factual.
"to dry out" は天気について使うと、「雨がやんだ」という意味になります、「晴れている」というニュアンスです。これはカジュアルでフレンドリーな言い方です。 "to peak out" は太陽について使うと、「雲の後ろから顔を出す」という意味になります、「天気に変化があった」というニュアンスです。 最後の文はより明確です、事実を伝えています。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • It's been raining for the past few days, it today was sunny.

  • It's sunny today despite it raining for the past several days.

  • After raining for days, it's finally sunny today.

When you want to state that for a few days it has rained, but now today is sunny, you can say "It's been raining for the past few days, it today was sunny."
数日雨が続いていたけど今日は晴れていると伝えたいなら、次のように言えます。 "It's been raining for the past few days, it today was sunny." (ここ数日雨が続いていましたが今日は晴れていました)
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • It's been raining a lot these days, but it was sunny today.

  • We are in the rainy season here, but it was sunny today.

Ayaさん、こんにちは。 「最近雨の日が多かったが、今日は晴れていた。」 It's been raining a lot these days, but it was sunny today. と言えば通じます。 梅雨(rainy season)の最中の束の間の晴れ間を表現したいのであれば、 We are in the rainy season here, but it was sunny today. と言っても良いですね。
  • For the past for few days it has been rainy, but it is sunny now.

  • Now it is sunny, but for the past few days it has been raining.

How is everything there? Everything is good. And you? Yeah, all good too. How is the weather? For the past for few days it has been rainy, but it is sunny now. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • It's been rainy recently but today is beautiful and sunny.

  • There has been a lot of rain over the past couple of weeks but today is sunny.

You can use any of the above two sentences to tell someone that it was rainy but it is ow sunny. Example; A; How has the weather been that side? B; It's been rainy recently but today is beautiful and sunny.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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