世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/07/08 11:03
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  • My plan is to quit my job and go study in Canada

退職は「quit」。辞めるという意味です。 従って、「My plan is to quit my job and go study in Canada」を推奨します。 また、「何を勉強するために留学をするのか?」、「カナダのどこか?」を同じセンテンスで処理した方が良いかと思います(そうしないと、情報量の少ないセンテンスになるためです)。 例文:"My plan is to quit my job at Starbucks and go study medical marijuana in Vancouver"
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • I'm going to drop everything and will go to Canada to study.

If you 'drop everything' then it means that you leave family, work and social connections behind you (which of course, you would do if you move to another country).
あなたが「drop everything」ということは、家族、仕事、社会的つながり全てを残していくという意味です。(もちろん、あなたが他の国に行くならそうするでしょう。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • After I retire I plan on vacationing in Canada.

  • My plan is to travel to Canada after I retire from my job.

To convey that you plan on traveling to Canada after you retire you may simply say; After I retire I plan on vacationing in Canada. My plan is to travel to Canada after I retire from my job. You may also choose to be more expressive and say; It has long since been my dream to travel to Canada after my retirement. I have always wanted to travel the world after I retire and I plan on starting with Canada.
退職後にカナダに旅行に行く予定であると伝える場合、以下のように言えます: After I retire I plan on vacationing in Canada. (退職後にカナダに旅行に行く予定です) My plan is to travel to Canada after I retire from my job. (退職後にカナダに旅行に行く予定です) もっと感情のこもった言い方もできます: It has long since been my dream to travel to Canada after my retirement. (退職した後、カナダに旅行に行くのがずっと夢でした) I have always wanted to travel the world after I retire and I plan on starting with Canada. (退職後は世界を旅行したいと思っていました。カナダから始める予定です)
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • I want to quit my job and move to Canada to study.

  • I am planning on quitting my job and going to Canada to study.

Sometimes we have very big plans for the future. Maybe we want to quit our job. Maybe we want to study abroad. If we have specific plans for this kind of situation, there are a few ways we can talk about this: 1) "I want to quit my job and move to Canada to study." 2) "I am planning on quitting my job and going to Canada to study."
時々、私達は将来の大きな計画を持つことがあります。仕事をやめたいのかもしれません。留学をしたいのかもしれません。 このような計画があるならば、これをあらわす2、3の言い方があります: 1) "I want to quit my job and move to Canada to study." 2) "I am planning on quitting my job and going to Canada to study." (仕事をやめてカナダに留学する予定です。)
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • I'm resigning from my job to go study in Canada.

It can be a little intense to use the term "quit" so you can say resign which communicates the same idea without a negative connotation. In the example above, it clearly explains that you are specifically leaving your job to go study in Canada, so that way the person whom you are speaking with has no doubt about why you are resigning. I hope that this helps :)
"quit"という言葉は少しきついので、 退職という意味のresignを使って表現するといいでしょう。 例では、カナダに留学するために仕事を辞めると具体的に伝えています。ですので、あなたと話している人は、どうして退職するのかわかってくれるでしょう。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I'm planning on quitting my job so I can study in Canada

  • My plan is to study in Canada so I will be handing in my resignation at work

I'm planning on quitting my job so I can study in Canada - This is a casual way you can explain to someone that you will be leaving your current job to study in Canada. This specifically tells the listener about your intentions what you will do (Quit your job) and why you are taking that action (To study abroad in Canada)
I'm planning on quitting my job so I can study in Canada(カナダに留学できるように、仕事を辞めるつもりです) →「仕事を辞めてカナダに行くつもりです」のカジュアルな言い方です。これは、何を(仕事を辞める)なぜするのか(カナダに留学するため)について明確に伝えています。
Lee Di DMM英会話講師
  • I'm planning to quit my job and go studying in Canada

  • I am planning to quit my job and go to Canada to study

When you give something up and don't do it anymore you are said to 'quit it' so if you want to no longer work and go to study in Canada then you would say 'I'm planning to quit my job and go studying in Canada'
何かをやめて、これから先もうやらないなら、これは 'quit' と言えます。 仕事を辞めてカナダに留学に行くなら、'I'm planning to quit my job and go studying in Canada'(仕事を辞めてカナダに留学に行く予定です)と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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