There's a really bad smelling coming from the rubbish bin
There's an unpleasant smell wafting out of the rubbish bin
There's a horrible smell emanating from the rubbish bin
「ゴミ箱から悪臭が漂ってくる」= There's a really bad smelling coming from the rubbish bin / There's an unpleasant smell wafting out of the rubbish bin / There's a horrible smell emanating from the rubbish bin
there is = ~がある
bad smell, unpleasant smell, horrible smell = 悪臭
rubbish bin = ゴミ箱(イギリス英語)
「漂ってくる」を辞書に調べると「drift」などの単語が出て来ますが、この文脈で「come from」や「waft out」や「emanate from」などの動詞が良いと思います。