I agree with my company's philosophy, I trust them and I feel security in my job.
My company's ideology resonates with me. I trust them and feel secure in my job.
「会社の理念に共感し、信頼、安心感を感じている」= I agree with my company's philosophy, I trust them and I feel security in my job. / My company's ideology resonates with me. I trust them and feel secure in my job.
agree/resonate = 共感する
company = 会社
philosophy/ideology = 理念
trust = 信頼する
feel secure/feel security = 安心感
I sympathize with my company's principles and I feel both trust and security in them.
"I sympathize with my company's principles"=「私は私の会社の理念に共感しています」
(「理念」を"principles"と訳しましたが "philosophy"=「哲学」とも言えます)
"and I feel both trust and security in them."=「そして、それらに信頼と安心感の両方を感じています。」