The sea in Japan smells fishy and the water feels sticky so I never go swimming in the sea (in Japan)
I never go swimming in the sea in Japan because the water smells fishy and feels sticky
「日本の海は磯臭いしベタベタするから海水浴には行かない」= The sea in Japan smells fishy and the water feels sticky so I never go swimming in the sea (in Japan) / I never go swimming in the sea in Japan because the water smells fishy and feels sticky
sea = 海
smells fish = 磯臭い
water = 水
feels sticky = べたべたする
never = 決して~しない
swim in the sea = 海に泳ぐ
"I don't go swimming in the ocean in Japan because the water smells like seaweed and feels sticky."
「日本の海は磯臭いしベタベタするから海水浴には行かない」という表現を英語にするときには、「I don't go swimming in the ocean in Japan because the water smells like seaweed and feels sticky」というフレーズが適しています。
- swimming: 泳ぐ
- ocean: 海
- seaweed: 海藻
- smells like: ~のようなにおいがする
- feels sticky: ベタベタする感じがする
- "I only swim in the ocean when I'm overseas because the water feels cleaner."
- "The seaweed smell and sticky water in Japan keep me from going to the beach."