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「あなた方お二人の日本での仕事が成功することを願っています」 上の一文を英語にして下さい 来日した音楽家お二人に贈る言葉です
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2018/07/10 19:22
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  • I wish you both luck and success in Japan.

  • I will keep my fingers crossed for you guys!

"I wish you both luck and success in Japan." This is the most formal way of wishing someone luck and success in their endevours. There is really no other way to be clear and concise about it. "I will keep my fingers crossed for you guys!" This is a very popular saying in the U.S. by saying this you are wishing them good luck. Its a more informal/friendly way of wishing them luck.
"I wish you both luck and success in Japan."(二人の日本での[幸運](と[ご成功](をお祈りします) これは人の幸運と成功を祈る最もフォーマルな言い方です。これについて伝える明確で簡潔な言い方は他にはありません。 I wish you luck = 幸運を祈る I wish you success = 成功を祈る "I will keep my fingers crossed for you guys!"(うまく行くよう祈っています) これはアメリカで非常によく使われます。相手の幸運を祈るインフォーマル/フレンドリーな表現です。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • I wish you the best of luck!

This means that you wish them a huge amount of luck and the person you are saying it to would be grateful that you said this to them.
Max W DMM英会話講師
  • I wish you both the greatest success with your work in Japan.

  • I hope you both are very successful in Japan.

  • I sincerely wish you the greatest success with your work in Japan.

「あなた方お二人の日本での仕事が成功することを願っています」= I wish you both the greatest success with your work in Japan. / I hope you both are very successful in Japan. / I sincerely wish you the greatest success with your work in Japan. ボキャブラリー wish you ~, hope you ~ = ~を願っています greatest success = 大成功 both = あなたたち(二人とも) work = 仕事 sincerely = 心から、本当に
Mairi 英語講師/著者/英語ブロガー
  • I'm wishing you success

  • I hope you are successful

「あなた方」は日本語の敬語ですから、英語がありません。 お二人の日本での仕事=The work the two of you are going to do in Japan が成功することを願っています= I wish you sucesss; I hope you are successful I hope the two of you have success with your work in Japan.
  • I'm rooting for you.

  • Good luck!

"I'm rooting for you." This is slang for "I hope you succeed". You say it to someone when there is a lot of competition and you want them to win or do better than other people. It's similar to saying "I'm on your team". "Good luck!" This is a very simple and common phrase. It means you hope that they will be lucky and succeed in whatever it is they are doing.
"I'm rooting for you."(応援しています) これは "I hope you succeed"(成功を願っています)のスラングです。激しい競争があることでその人に勝って欲しいときに使われます。これは "I'm on your team"(私はあなたの味方です)に似ています。 ---- "Good luck!" これはすごくシンプルで一般的なフレーズです。「あなたの幸運と成功を祈っている」という意味です。
Elanor DMM英会話講師
  • I wish you all the best out here!

Wishing good tidings to others is a good thing to do, you could let them know that they can contact you at any time if they need help with anything.
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • I only hope for the best for you both in Japan.

  • May you have great success in all of your endeavors in Japan.

  • I hope you accomplish everything you go for in Japan with great success.

When expressing "I only hope for," it implies that you want one thing only, and in this situation that is "the best." It is an endearing expression that shows that there are hopes for no problems or bad outcomes. When someone endeavors, he/she is making an effort to accomplish something or improve at something. "Everything you go for" is an expression that refers to the efforts or goals that somebody is wanting to accomplish.
"I only hope for" は「一つのことしか望まない」というニュアンスです。ここでは、それは "the best"(最良の結果)です。これは「うまく行くことを願う」と伝える愛情のこもった表現です。 "endeavor" は、何かを成し遂げたり改善するために努力することをいいます。 "Everything you go for" はその人が成し遂げようとする事を指します。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • Good luck with your Japanese tour!

  • I hope you guys have a great tour in Japan!

  • Break a leg in Japan!

THe first two senteces are straight forward. The last one is a little more complicated. In American performing culture, it is often considered bad luck to wish a performer luck before they go on stage. It is customary to wish someone "Break a leg" instead. This is just a superstition, but is a very natural way to wish a performer good luck in American culture.
一つ目と二つ目の文はストレートな言い方です。最後の文はもう少し複雑です。 アメリカの演劇の世界では、ステージに上がる前の役者に「幸運を祈る」と声をかけるのは縁起が悪いとされています。代わりに "Break a leg"(脚の骨を折って)と言うのが慣例です。これはただの迷信ですが、アメリカでは "Break a leg" は役者の幸運を祈るときの表現として一般的です。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
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