❶ You can throw it away (捨てても大丈夫です)。
❷ You can just toss it. (捨てても大丈夫です、構いませんよ)。大したものではないので、気にしません、というようなニュアンスです。
❸You can discard it. (捨てていただいても大丈夫です)。
It は単数のとき、複数の時はthemを使いましょう。
I forgot my hair clips at your house,but I don’t have time to pick them up so you can just toss them.
I left my dressing at your house, but I don’t have the time to get it so you can just use it or throw it away.
Pick up, get it は取りに行くことです。
In American English, the phrase "go ahead" gives someone permission to complete an action. To "throw something away" is to put it in the garbage or trash. This sentence casually gives permission to the listener to throw the object in the garbage.
I hope that this helps :)
I do not need that anymore. You can throw it away.
I forgot I left that at your house. You can toss it.
If someone is asking you what to do with something they found of yours you can tell them...
"I do not need that anymore. You can throw it away."
"I forgot I left that at your house. You can toss it."
Both throw away and toss it mean you can put the item in the garbage.
Other example sentences
"Please just throw that away for me."
"I do not mind if you throw that away."
"Oh, please toss that in the trash."
"That is not edible anymore so please toss it."
"I do not need that anymore. You can throw it away."
"I forgot I left that at your house. You can toss it."
throw awayも tossも、そのアイテムをごみ箱に捨てるという意味です。
"Please just throw that away for me."
"I do not mind if you throw that away."
"Oh, please toss that in the trash."
"That is not edible anymore so please toss it."
It's okay you can just throw it out unless you want it yourself?
You can just throw it out. Thanks!
You can bin it. - this means that the person can put it in the rubbish bin.
It's okay you can just throw it out unless you want it yourself? - This is telling the person who found it that they can keep it themselves if they have any use for it, if not they can just throw it in the bin!
To ''throw it out'' simply means to put something in the bin/fire etc.
You can bin it.
-これは"rubbish bin"(ゴミ箱)に捨ててもいい、という意味になります。
It's okay you can just throw it out unless you want it yourself?
- これは、それを見つけた人に対して「必要なら持っていていいし、要らないなら捨ててもいい」と伝える言い方です。
''throw it out''(捨てる)は、ゴミ箱へ捨ててしまう、燃やしてしまうなど、という意味になります。
There are two aspects to this communication. Firstly you must state that the item is not needed anymore. Secondly, you should request that the finder disposes of the item.
When telling someone they can put something in the bin you can say 'throw away' , 'bin it' or 'discard it'
To discard something means to get rid of something you do not need anymore
*discard=to throw something away or get rid of it because you no longer want or need it
*get rid= to remove or throw away something unwanted
All three of these expressions are fine to use.