世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/07/13 20:57
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  • My children learn English at language school once a week.

英語を習う:learn English 週に1回:once a week 週に1回、2回…という表現は、 once a week(週に1回) twice a week(週に2回) three times a week(週に3回) four times a week(週に4回) 3回以上は「times」を使って表現します。 また、「子どもが二人いますが、二人とも週に1回英会話スクールに通っています」と言いたいときは、 I have two children. They learn English at the language school once a week. でよろしいかと思います。
Tomomi T 英語講師
  • My two children go to English school once a week

  • Both my children go to English school once a week

If you are talking about your two children doing something then you would say 'my two children' or 'both my children' as both refers to two people once means the same as one so once a week means one day a week
自分の二人の子どもがしている事について言うなら、'my two children' または 'both my children' が使えます。どちらも「二人」を表します。 'once' は 'one'(1)と同じ意味です。ですから、'once a week' は 'one day a week'(週一回)という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Both my two children attend English school once a week.

You have two children. Both of them go to English school once a week. You can I explain this as indicated above.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My children will go to English school once a week

  • Once a week my children will study English

"My children will go to English school once a week" This sentence is implying that the children will visit/go to English school 'once'/one time a week. "Once a week my children will study English" To 'study' will imply that you are learning something, in this case the children will study/learn English.
"My children will go to English school once a week"(子どもたちは週一回英会話スクールに通っています) この文では「子どもたちは週一回英会話スクールに通っています」と伝えています。 "Once a week my children will study English"(子どもたちは週一回英語を勉強しています) 'study' は「~を学ぶ」という意味です。この場合、子どもたちが英語を学びます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Both of my children study English at an English school once a week.

  • We have English schools here so my children attend this school once a week.

  • We study English at English schools in my country.

Both of my children study English at an English school once a week. We have English schools here so my children attend this school once a week. We study English at English schools in my country. My children attend school at the English school once a week to study English.
Both of my children study English at an English school once a week. (私の子どもたちはどちらも週一回英会話スクールに通っています) We have English schools here so my children attend this school once a week. (ここには英会話スクールがあるので、私の子どもたちは週一回この学校に通っています) We study English at English schools in my country. (私の国では英語は英会話スクールで学びます) My children attend school at the English school once a week to study English. (私の子どもたちは週一回その英会話スクールに通っています)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Both my children go to English class every week

  • My children are studying English at a school every week

My two children go to English school once a week is a fine way to say this. You can also say "Both my children go to English class every week." By saying class it infers that they only go to 1 class a week. You can also say that they are studying English at a school, letting us know where they study and what they are studying.
"My two children go to English school once a week"(私の二人の子は週に一回英会話スクールに通っています)でも問題ありません。 他に、"Both my children go to English class every week."(二人の子はどちらも毎週英語のクラスに通っています)と言うこともできます。 'class' と言うことで、「一週間に一回だけ授業を受けている」というニュアンスになります。 また、"My children are studying English at a school every week"(私の子どもたちは毎週学校で英語を学んでいます)という言い方もできます、どこで何を学んでいるのか伝えています。
Andrew P DMM英会話講師
  • Both my children attend English school once a week

  • My two children attend English school once every week.

  • Once every week, both my kids attend English school.

We can use the sentences above to express the fact that you have two children who attend English classes once a week. These describe frequency: Once every week Once a week Every week The number of children: Both my children Both my kids My two children All my children
二人の子どもが週に一回英会話スクールに通っていることは、上記のように表せます。 頻度を表すフレーズ: Once every week(週に一回) Once a week(週に一回) Every week(毎週) 子どもの数: Both my children(二人の子どちらも) Both my kids(二人の子どちらも) My two children(二人の子) All my children(私の子全員)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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