Doctors and nurses have people’s lives in their hands.
Doctors and nurses have people’s lives in their hands.
Being a doctor or a nurse is a high responsibility job because they have many people's lives in their hands.
High responsibility job-責任のある仕事.
The pros of being a doctor are, you can save people’s lives, and it is rewarding.
The cons are, it’s stressful and it requires working night shifts.
The work of doctors and nurses involves the responsibility of entrusting someone's lives to them.
医者 doctor
看護師 nurse
命 life
預かる entrust
責任 responsibility
仕事 work
この訳の involves (関係がある)は、仕事に対して何かの関係があるという意味になりますので、この文に適切な表現だと思います。
「病院で働くことのメリット、デメリット」のことを言いたいなら This(命を預かる責任)can be a positive and a negative of working at hospitals で表現できます。
Doctors and nurses have people's lives in their hands.
People entrust their lives with doctors and nurses.
Doctors and nurses have people's lives in their hands.
People entrust their lives with doctors and nurses.
entrust は「預ける」「委ねる」という意味の英語表現です。