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家族で旅行に行ってきました。など。 感想を言いたい時など。
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2018/07/16 22:45
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  • I had a vacation

  • I went on a holiday

When we go to another destination for pleasure, we call it a "holiday" or "vacation". "I went on a holiday to Spain". "I had a vacation in Italy".
娯楽で別の[目的地](に行くことを、 "holiday" や "vacation"と言います。   "I went on a holiday to Spain" スペインに[旅行](に行きました。 "I had a vacation in Italy" イタリアに旅行に行きました。 他には "I went on a trip" という英語表現を使うこともできます。 "I went on a trip to Hawaii" ハワイに旅行に行きました。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • I have just got back from my trip

  • I have been abroad

  • I went on holiday

After having returned from your trip you may want to tell someone you have been away. Any of these three answers is a good way of explaining this. "I have just got back from my trip" would suggest you have only recently returned from your trip. The word 'just' suggests this was recent. In the USA they would refer to a trip away as a 'vacation' whereas in British English we refer to these trips as 'holidays'.
[旅行](から帰ってきたら、誰かに旅行に行っていたことを言いたいかもしれません。これら三つの回答はこれを説明するのにいい表現です。 "I have just got back from my trip" ちょうど旅行から[帰って来た](ところです。 これは、最近旅行から帰って来たところという意味です。 'just' はちょうど、最近という意味です。 アメリカでは、旅行のことを 'vacation' 、イギリスでは 'holidays'と言います。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I went on a vacation.

  • I went on a trip.

  • I went on a holiday trip.

The difference between the words holiday and vacation differ greatly between the US and the UK. An extended period of time spent for leisure time, relaxation, and recreation is known as a vacation in the US and as holiday in the UK. In the US, holiday is known as a period of time that is set aside by either an institution or the government for no work to be done and most places are closed. So in the US, we would say: I took off work to go on a vacation with the family. or I went on a trip. If it is on a certain date that is for everyone to take off work, we say holiday. For example: On Christmas, we will be off for the holiday. On New Year's Eve, I will be off for the holidays.
"holiday"と"vacation"はアメリカとイギリスでかなり異なります。 余暇・気晴らし・リクリエーションのための期間(休暇)は、アメリカでは"vacation"、イギリスでは"holiday"と言います。 アメリカでは"holiday"は、政府などによって設けられた仕事をしない期間のことで、ほとんどの店は営業をしません。 ですからアメリカではこう言います: I took off work to go on a vacation with the family. (仕事を休んで家族と休暇に出かけた) または、 I went on a trip. (旅行に行った) 全ての人が仕事を休む特定の日のことは"holiday"と言います。 例文 On Christmas, we will be off for the holiday. (クリスマスは祝日で仕事が休みだ) On New Year's Eve, I will be off for the holidays. (大晦日は休暇で仕事が休みだ)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • I went away on holiday with my family.

  • My family and I went away on vacation.

To express that you went away on a trip with your family you may say that you and your family went away on a vacation. You may say that; I went away on holiday with my family. My family and I went away on vacation. My family and I took a trip together during the school holidays,
家族と旅行に行ってきたことを表現するには、以下のように言うことができます。  I went away on holiday with my family. 家族と旅行に行きました。 My family and I went away on vacation. 家族と私で旅行に行ってきました。 My family and I took a trip together during the school holidays. 家族と私で一緒に学校の休みの間、旅行に行きました。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • I took a vacation to Europe.

  • I went on vacation to Europe.

  • I enjoyed a wonderful vacation in Europe.

These are all casual and common ways of explaining that you went on vacation and where you went of vacation.
Celeste O DMM英語講師
  • I went on vacation.

  • I went on holiday.

"Vacation" is used in the US to talk about time off from work for relaxing or going on a trip that is out of the ordinary. "Holiday" is used in the UK for the same reason.
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I went away.

  • I took a trip.

"I went away. / I took a trip." is an alternative way of saying you took a vacation. It means that you physically left your home area and went to stay someplace else. ex: We went away to Jamaica. ex: I took a trip to Canada for the weekend.
”I went away"と"I took a trip"は、休暇を取ってどこかへ出掛けたことを意味する表現です。 例:We went away to Jamaica. (ジャマイカに行って来ました。) 例:I took a trip to Canada for the weekend. (週末にカナダに行って来ました。)
Fields DMM英会話講師
  • I had a holiday last week.

  • I went on vacation to Hawaii.

In Australia it is more common to use the expression holiday rather than vacation, which tends to be more American. Both of these expressions indicate you had a break somewhere. You could add the destination that you went to. For example: "Last week I had a holiday in Hawaii." Or "Last week I had a vacation in Hawaii." Holidays and vacations are different to traveling. Traveling is usually for an extended period of time and often covers many different countries.
オーストラリアでは、バケーションよりホリデーという言葉を使います。バケーションは、どちらかと言えばアメリカンスタイルです。 バケーションもホリデーも休暇という意味です。休暇中に行った場所を付け加えて説明すると良いかもしれませんね。例えば、”Last week, I had a holiday in Hawaii"(先週、ハワイで休暇を取りました。)または、 "Last week, I had a vacation in Hawaii."(先週、バケーションでハワイに行きました。) ホリデーとバケーションは、Traveling(旅行)とは異なります。通常、travelingはもっと長い期間のことで、数種類の国を旅するニュアンスです。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • I went on a trip to Japan on my last vacation

  • I went on a trip on my last holiday

When you want to explain that you were on a trip on your last holiday/vacation, then you can say it in the following ways: -I went on a trip to Japan on my last vacation -I went on a trip on my last holiday -I am planning a trip abroad for my next vacation.
この前の休暇で旅行に行ったと伝えたいときは、以下のような言い方ができます: -I went on a trip to Japan on my last vacation この前休暇で日本に旅行に行ってきました。 -I went on a trip on my last holiday この前休暇で旅行に行ってきました。 -I am planning a trip abroad for my next vacation. 次の休暇は海外旅行を計画しています。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I went on a holiday

  • I went on a vacation

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・I went on a holiday ・I went on a vacation 上記のようにシンプルに言うことができます。 holiday も vacation も「休暇」のニュアンスがあります。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • I went on a vacation.

  • I went on a trip.

・I went on a vacation. ・I went on a trip. 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 vacation = 休暇、バケーション trip = 旅行、旅 例 I am going on a trip to the Maldives. モルディブへ旅行に行きます。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。
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