世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/07/17 08:06
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  • What was the last movie you saw?

  • What films have you seen recently?

  • What films have you watched lately?

"Movie" is another way to say "film". We can use these words interchangeably. "Lately" and "recently" both mean "not long ago". This lets the other person know you are not asking about movies they saw years ago!
"Movie" (映画)は "film"とも言います。どちらも同じように使うことができます。    "Lately" や "recently"はどちらも「最近」という意味です。これは相手に何年も前に見た映画のことを聞いているのではないということを伝える表現です。
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • What movies have you seen recently?

  • What movies have you watched recently?

  • What films have you seen/watched recently?

In British we tend to use the term 'films' rather than 'movies' movies is more used in the US recently suggests that something has been done in the last month or so seen means to see something with your eyes you use the word 'watched' for a tv show/film etc
イギリスでは、'movies' よりも 'films' をよく使います。'movies' はアメリカでよく使われます。 'recently'(最近)は、過去1か月くらいの出来事を表します。 'seen' は「自分の目で見る」という意味です。テレビで番組・映画を見るときには 'watched' を使います。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • What films have you been to see recently?

  • What has been your favourite film you have seen recently?

When asking someone about something that they have seen 'recently' this may suggest a film they have seen in the last month or so. In the USA it is common to use the word 'movie' whereas in British English we more commonly refer to movies as 'films'. If we were asking someone what their favourite film was we could ask "what is your favourite film of all time?".
誰かに 'recently'(最近)見たものについて聞くとき、先月やそのくらいに見た映画のことを言うことができるかもしれません。  アメリカでは、一般的な映画という意味の言葉は 'movie'なのに対し、イギリスでは一般的に 'films'と言われます。 誰かに好きな映画を聞くときは "what is your favourite film of all time?" これまでであなたの好きな映画は何ですか? と言うことができます。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Have you seen any good movies lately?

  • What's a good movie to watch?

  • Have you seen anything new at the movies?

We often talk about movies and share the ones we have liked so we say, "have you seen any good movies lately?" or "what's a good movie to watch?" and "have you seen anything new at the movies?" However, if they often watch Netflix or Amazon then you would want to ask, "Have you seen any new movies on Netflix or Amazon?" or "Anything good on Netflix or Amazon?" or even "What's new on Netflix or Amazon?"
アメリカではよく映画の話をして気に入ったものはシェアします。ですから、次のように言います。 "Have you seen any good movies lately?" (最近何か良い映画を見ましたか) "What's a good movie to watch?" (何か良い映画ありますか) "Have you seen anything new at the movies?" (何か最近の映画を見に行きましたか) ---- ただ、もしその人がNetflixやAmazonをよく見るなら、次のように言えます。 "Have you seen any new movies on Netflix or Amazon?" (NetflixとかAmazonで何か新しい映画を見ましたか) "Anything good on Netflix or Amazon?" (NetflixとかAmazonで何か良いのありますか) "What's new on Netflix or Amazon?" (NetflixとかAmazonでは最近どんなのが出てますか)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • What films have you seen recently?

  • What movies have you watched recently?

  • What was the last movie that you saw?

The first two questions are the same. "Films" and "movies" can be used interchangeably (films is probably a little more old-fashioned). "Seen" and "watched" also mean the same thing and in this context, either could be used. The last question is a little more specific, it is asking the person to name the one film that was the very last one they watched.
一つ目と二つ目の文は同じ意味です。 "films" と "movies" は置き換えて使えます(たぶん "films" の方が少し古風な言い方です)。 "seen" と "watched" も同じ意味で、この文脈ではどちらも使えます。 最後の質問は少し具体的です、相手が最後に見た映画のタイトルを尋ねています。
Reagan DMM英会話講師
  • "What movies have you seen recently?"

  • "What movies have you watched as of late?"

  • "What's a good movie to watch that is currently popular?"

If you were talking to someone about movies, and you wanted to ask them what movies they have seen recently, you could ask one of the following, "What movies have you seen recently?", "What movies have you watched as of late?" or "What's a good movie to watch that is currently popular?". All three of these questions directly address what you would like to know.
最近どんな映画を見たか尋ねたいなら、次のように言えます。 "What movies have you seen recently?"(最近どんな映画を見ましたか) "What movies have you watched as of late?"(最近どんな映画を見ましたか) "What's a good movie to watch that is currently popular?"(今人気のオススメの映画は何ですか) どの文も、あなたの知りたいことを単刀直入に尋ねています。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • What movies have you seen lately?

  • What movies have you seen as of late?

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to ask your listener what movies they have recently seen. In the second sentence you will see the term as of late. This means lately or recently. This term is appropriate for both formal and informal settings, it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記二つの例文は、最近どんな映画を見たか尋ねる素晴らしい言い方です。 二つ目の例文には "as of late" という表現が使われています。これは「最近」という意味です。この表現はフォーマルな場面でもインフォーマルな場面でも使うことができます。ぜひ語彙に加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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