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I want to visit somewhere in Europe. ではなく、go を使いなさいとレッスンの時に指摘してもらいましたが、なぜvisit でsomewhere がつなげられないのか教えてほしいです!
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2018/07/18 21:15
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  • I want to go somewhere in Europe.

Minaさんの文、 I want to visit somewhere in Europe. は正しいですよ! go を使って I want to go somewhere in Europe. その他 I'd like to visit somewhere in Europe. I'd like to go to Europe. ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • I want to go/visit somewhere in Europe

  • I want to go to Europe

  • I want to visit Europe

When talking about going somehwere as well as to say 'go' you can also use the term to 'visit' if you are unsure of where you wan to go then you can simply say 'somwhere in Europe' or simply 'Europe' if you know the place you want to go then you would mention the city
どこかに行くことについて言うなら、'go' の他に 'visit' も使えます。 どこに行きたいかまだはっきり分からないなら、シンプルに 'somwhere in Europe'(ヨーロッパのどこか)あるいは 'Europe'(ヨーロッパ)と言えます。 行きたい場所が具体的にあるなら、その街に言及できます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to visit Europe.

When you use the phrase "would like" it means that you are interested in doing something but you are not sure if you will be able to do so. I hope that this helps :)
 "would like" とは、何かをすることに興味はあるが、それができるかは確かではないという意味です。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I'd love to travel around Europe!

  • It would be a dream come true to visit Europe!

In the UK, if we really want something, we tend to discard the word 'want' and substitute it with a more extreme adjective or phrase. We all want a lot of things and if our feelings only extend to 'wanting' something, then they are probably not worth mentioning.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I want to go/visit somewhere in Europe.

Moreover is the case that one would say they "would like" to visit Europe. Therefore, for example, I would like to visit Europe. Would like expresses a desire or wish rather than a need or requirement.
"I would like"を使ってヨーロッパを訪問したいことを表すことが多いです。 例:"I would like to visit Europe." (ヨーロッパへ行きたいです。) "Would like"は、やらなければならないことではなく、やりたいことや願い事について話す時に使います。 【補足】"Go"&Visit"、どちらを使っても意味は変わりませんが、"Visit"の方がフォーマルなニュアンスがあります。
Mark Kn DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to take a holiday and travel somewhere in Europe.

  • My next holiday will be somewhere in England.

  • I'm having my next holiday in England somewhere.

We can use the above sentences to explain that we would like to visit somewhere in England. Europe is a great travel destination, there are many landmarks one can go visit and some great food to try out! Somewhere: a place
ヨーロッパのどこかに行きたいことを伝えるにはこれらの例がいいでしょう。 ヨーロッパは旅行するのには素晴らしい場所で、見どころがたくさんあり、おいしい食べ物もたくさんあります。   Somewhere: どこか
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to go to Europe someday

  • I would love to visit Europe

  • I simply must visit Europe

The words one chooses to express this desire depends on how great an ambition it is to travel to Europe. For example, “I would like to go to Europe someday” suggests that a person wants to go but may not be able to do so. However, “I would love to visit Europe” suggests that there is a really strong urge to go. Or, “I simply must visit Europe” would indicate a strong ambition.
ヨーロッパに旅行したい願望がどれほど強いかにもよりますが、例えば、 “I would like to go to Europe someday”は、ヨーロッパに行きたいが、行くことができないかもしれないことを表します。しかし、 “I would love to visit Europe” は、本当に行きたいことを表します。また、 “I simply must visit Europe” もとても強い願望を表します。
Suzi DMM英語講師
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