世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/07/19 01:54
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  • What do you think about Belgium taking third place at the World Cup?

When you are making small talk, a question is most helpful because it makes sure that your listener knows that you are expecting a response. Using the phrase "what do you think" will open it up so that they can respond in a variety of ways which can launch into a steady conversation. I hope that this helps :)
ちょっとした会話をするとき、相手はあなたが返事を期待しているのをわかってくれるので、質問することが一番役に立ちます。 "what do you think" (どう思いますか)というフレーズを使うことは、返事の制限がないのでしっかりした会話を始めることができるバラエティーに富んだ方法で返事をすることができます。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • How did you feel when Belgium came third place in the world cup?

  • I am impressed that your country came third in the world cup.

  • Belgium did well in the world cup, they played very well.

In an effort to make small talk you may use any of the following sentences; How did you feel when Belgium came third place in the world cup? I am impressed that your country came third in the world cup. Belgium did well in the world cup, they played very well. By asking questions you are stating a conversation and by paying compliments you are setting a positive, comfortable atmosphere for a conversation.
ちょっとした会話をするときに使うことのできる表現です。  How did you feel when Belgium came third place in the world cup? ワールドカップでベルギーが三位になったことについてどう思った? I am impressed that your country came third in the world cup. ワールドカップであなたの国が三位になって感動しました。 Belgium did well in the world cup, they played very well. ベルギーはワールドカップでよくやった。彼らはよくがんばった。 質問をすることで、会話をもち、褒めることで、会話に対するポジティブで心地の良い雰囲気を作っています。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • Well done for your run in the World Cup!

Well, if your coworker is from Belgium, he will be well aware that his country finished third - so that is unnecessary information. A more worthy comment might be in the form of a congratulatory remark as exampled above. To have a 'run' in a competition means to get through one or more stages of that competition.
貴方の同僚がベルギーの人であれば、ベルギーが3位で終わったことをわかっていると思うので、「3位」というのは不要な情報でしょう。例文のように、ベルギーチームを称賛するコメントの方が適切かと思われます。"To have a run"は、試合で1回または1回以上勝ち進んだという意味です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Congrats on placing third at the world cup!

  • Are you excited that Belgium came third place in the world cup event?

"Congrats on placing third at the world cup!" Placing here means on achieving third place. This is a simple way of expressing your excitement for your friend. "Are you excited that Belgium came third place in the world cup event?" This is a polite way of asking a friend if they are pleased (happy) with the outcome, and is a great way to start a conversation and have small talk (light conversation).
"Congrats on placing third at the world cup!"(ワールドカップ3位おめでとう) - "Placing" はここでは「3位になる」という意味です。これは興奮した気持ちを伝えるシンプルな言い方です。 "Are you excited that Belgium came third place in the world cup event?"(ベルギーがワールドカップで3位になって興奮していますか) - これはその結果に満足しているか尋ねる丁寧な言い方です。スモールトーク(世間話)のきっかけにうってつけです。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • Well done on coming third in the World Cup!

  • I hear you guys came third in the World Cup - congrats!

These are congratulatory phrases which can be exchanged between friends or in an informal setting.
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • You must be proud of Belgium coming third in the World Cup

  • Belgium did well in the World Cup by coming third

  • What do you think of your country (Belgium) coming third in the World Cup

If the person you are talking to comes from that country then you can refer to Belgium as 'your country' by asking them if they are proud or what did they think this might make them feel good and encourage them to talk to you you could also tell them how well their country did
話している相手がその国の出身なら、'Belgium' は 'your country'(あなたの国)と言えます。 「誇りに思うか(→例1)」や「どう思うか(→例3)」と尋ねると、相手は気分がよくなっていろいろ話してくれるかもしれません。 また、その国の成績について伝えることもできます(→例2)。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Your country, Belgium where third in the world cup!

  • Congratulations! Belgium got third place in the world cup!

"Where" is the word used when describing a place or position, in this case third place. "Got third place" a more of a casual way of expressing this, and can be used in a variety of sentences "I got my haircut" "You got tickets to the football game?!"
"Where" は場所や位置を表す言葉です。この場合は「3位」を表します。 "Got third place" はよりカジュアルな言い方です。"Got" はいろいろな文で使うことができます。 例: "I got my haircut"(髪を切ってもらいました) "You got tickets to the football game?!"(そのサッカーの試合のチケット手に入れたの?!)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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